WTF 2025!!! What is new

WTF 2025!!! What is new

Why That Face [WTF] people, is here!!! 2025 is already running

Change is good; it shows that you adapt to the needs of the most important people for you, your clients and your audience.

What is the meaning of publishing and generating information just to feed your ego and not the brain of our intelligent readers?

So, to fulfill your needs, to your expressed needs, here is what is new in 2025!

Now we are “Irrational Humans.”

People make 35,000 decisions a day, 95% of which are irrational.

We have 2 ways to make decisions: conscious and subconscious, or, as Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman explains, systems 1 and 2.

System #1, is Home Sympson, and system #2 is Spock.

95% of HUMAN decisions are made with the subconscious or system #1, ergo are irrational.


*Every Tuesday and Thursday, we will see you on LinkedIn.

*As always, our special newsletter is by email every Saturday.

What you will find now:

  • Dear Irrational Humans [ answer questions from the people in our community -ONLY sent by email-] Sent your questions to [email protected]
  • Top Article of the Week
  • Top Job Opportunities?
  • Top classes
  • New classes each week
  • Next events - Webinars - News

*Human Behavior School

The new catalogue of classes is out. Some classes are already sold out. Don’t wait too long.

  • Recorded
  • Hybrids
  • Live
  • Corporate Licences?
  • Certifications
  • Office hours

*Human Behavior Lab

We went to the full moon in the mood of the research, data, and case studies.

We use Behavior Economics, Neuroscience, Human Behavior and Data to achieve:

  • Research & Experimentation
  • Product & Service Design
  • Behavior Change Design
  • Heuristic
  • Biases
  • Case studies and studies by industries

*As always -Susan Ibitz Behavior Consulting

Working on the humans that grow your business |High-performance Human Behavior training - I teach corporations & employees how to hack into humans using Behavior & Persuasion. I work with Pharma | Finances| Banking |Insurance| Construction |Sales| AI - Language | Behavior Economics | Neuroscience?

*2 new offices?

Chicago - training facility

Michigan City- meetings and training facility


We are looking for people like you.?

Business development and sales. We have 6 positions open. Send your resume to [email protected]

*New Business Development Department.

  • Is your company ready for the 2025 exodus?
  • Are your people on top of the behavior training?
  • Would you like to have license training with a dedicated portal and office hours?

Set some time to talk to our team at [email protected]

I am here because:

I have 420.03 Months -? 1,826.29 Weeks - 12,784 Days - 306,816 Hours - 18,408,960 Minutes - or...

1,104,537,600 Seconds of experience.

I have travelled and lived worldwide to be taught by the best, including Paul Ekman, Robert Cialdini, and others.?

I have read so many books that I have a Tax exception as a Public Library!!!

? WHY?? So you don’t need to.

Our companies are? a compilation of experts' best classes, studies, and life experiences worldwide. All in 1 place, all 1 click away.

Human Behavior School - Human Behavior Lab- Susan Ibitz Behavior Consulting wants to say congratulations for investing in the most important person in the world: YOU!

People can take everything from you, but never the knowledge you acquire, the satisfaction of knowing, understanding and seeing the people from who they are- ADORABLE & LOVING IRRATIONAL HUMANS.

We as humans have 3 basic needs:

  • Being Seen
  • Being Heard
  • Being Understood

Now you can do it.

In the end, the devil knows more because of being old than because of being the devil??. LOL

See you inside

Tenemos todas las clases y consultoria en Espa?ol??

Set a call with one of our experts, NOW [email protected]

About the Author:

Susan is a former political influence consultant, profiler, and civilian hostage negotiator, with expertise, studies and Master’ in Human Behavior, Behavior Economics, Neuroscience and a nerd for data. Susan works on the humans that grow your business | High-performance Human Behavior training- I teach corporations & employees how to hack into humans using Behavior, Neuroscience & Persuasion |Behavior Economics

She has been called Freaky and the top expert on her field,? by the Chicago Tribune and Psychology Today.

She is the author and researcher of “Irrational Humans. People Make 35,000 Decisions a Day and 95% are Irrational, but Why & How?”


  • Body Language
  • Micro Expressions
  • Behavior Economics
  • Neuroscience
  • Consumer Behavior
  • Persuasion
  • Influence
  • How people make decisions
  • Irrational Behaviors


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