Is WSJ Defining the Future of News?
Massive Alliance
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On June 13, Dow Jones, publisher of The Wall Street Journal , launched Buy Side from WSJ, a new independent commerce site providing consumer and financial product recommendations. Maybe they’re blurring the lines between news and marketing. But if we consider five elements that build a strong publication, maybe they’re redefining the future of news.
Build a Loyal Following
The Wall Street Journal has taken its long-standing reputation of trust in journalism and used it to construct a brand new and independent editorial team — Buy Side had their loyal readership base from the start! The WSJ business expertise lends credibility to Buy Side product recommendations. Consumers already trust and consider their analysis in making purchasing decisions.
Stick to One Lane
No matter the news outlet, media strategies today need to follow rules similar to those of the social media influencer. They identify a specific niche, put out content, and drive the elements that draw the most engagement. Buy Side crosses a variety of products, from home gym equipment to the best savings account, but with one niche area of interest in common: a desire to buy.?
Give Them What They Want
Buy Side’s independent staff of writers, editors and experts can research consumer product reviews, and site metrics like traffic, return visits, sales conversions, and revenue can result in targeted content their readers really want. If Buy Side sticks to its commitment to “detailed and unbiased reviews…to make informed shopping decisions,” more satisfied consumers will return to their trusted analysis.
Sell to Them?
Accessing Buy Side content is free, but the entire site is about selling to its readers. They may not be the sellers, but WSJ and Dow Jones tap into new revenue streams through established affiliate partnerships, like Amazon, Skimlinks, and Red Ventures, and search-ad Google revenue. They also hope interest in Buy Side will draw more subscribers to the WSJ.
A great publication takes what goes viral and keeps driving the measures that made them popular. Already, Buy Side’s regular features include “Pro Picks,” a heavily researched and detailed report on top products, and “One Great Thing,” which spotlights standout products in their respective fields. According to their site, Buy Side focuses on “products and services that readers are interested in.” By measuring that interest through engagement, they know what works and when to repeat.?
CEO of Dow Jones and WSJ Almar Latour says Buy Side is a “natural extension” of the Journal’s mission: “To provide the world’s most trusted source of journalism [extending to] business, finance, policy, the workplace and life in general.” It also naturally extends the strength of a media giant like WSJ to an emerging news commerce site perfectly positioned to become a top publication.?
Massive Alliance?is a media technology company that is building digital solutions for people and publishers. Our mission is simple: Through our?Executive Leadership Branding?program, we create and publish content that pushes our clients into the future. Want to talk about the next steps on your thought leadership journey? Send us a message on LinkedIn or get in touch with us?here.