The WRONGS use of word 'consciousness'/ CONFUSION about consciousness, awareness, volitional acts - Nov-4-2024
Sunil Dudia
Project Lead SCM/MFG Offshore Onsite CoOrdination at Fujitsu Consulting India
The WRONGS use of word 'consciousness'/ CONFUSION about consciousness, awareness, volitional acts - Nov-4-2024
I see many discussions where scientists and monks seem confused about the consciousness feature of inanimate objects [rock, a chair, a book, etc] or animate/sentient objects [senses to see and feel/QUALIA].
AWARENESS [[ Inner vision, WISDOM with GUNA's, WITNESS_FORM_CONSCIOUSNESS (Accumulated consciousness for several appearances of the soul or awareness model of existence), EGO_cosnciousness (Material and non-self consciousness collected in present birth cycle of a the material-form) ]]
What are mental states?
MENTAL STATES are the same as the AWARENESS model of existence, where quantum REALM EGO_material_cosnciousness projects the material form-BODY in the material world, whereas non-self_EGO_consciousness aka eGO-non-self-consciousness projects MIND or subtle body that belongs to the material-form in the present birth cycle.
Monks and scientists, both keep using the word "consciousness," whereas the right word to use is "awareness". The word consciousness applies to MATERIAL_REALM physical (Self) form and MATERIAL_REALM (Non_Self) form, 'aka the MIND'. The WORD AWARENESS/MENTAL STATES must be used when referring to QUANTUM REALM existence. If you continue to use the word consciousness for both material-REALM and QUANTUM REALM, then both of you are causing a big CONFUSION among listeners.
Let's again re-visit the meaning of what is CONSCIOUS and WHAT IS NOT CONSCIOUS:
EVERY OBJECT whether living-sentient or non-living-inanimate exists in 2 forms, COSNCIOUS_Material_Self (Material_world_Behaviour) and EGO_COSNCIOUSness_Non-Self (QU QUANTUM REALM/World behaviour)
Every object, living-sentient or non-living-inanimate exists in 2 forms/consciousnesses. 1-MATERIAL_cosnciousness and 2-EGO_cosnciousness and they both report to MENTAL STATES in the quantum world.
Let's consider the example of a ROCK [inanimate]. Is the ROCK/MOUNTAIN CONSCIOUS?
Now, CONSCIOUSNESS is the INHERENT PROPERTY of an object [inanimate or sentient], that makes it look and feel like 'that OBJECT'. That means all OBJECTS have CONSCIOUSNESS,
THE ROCK IS A ROCK because it has properties of sand, dust, minerals, and hardness that make it look and feel like a ROCK.
MOUNTAINS is a MOUNTAIN because it has properties of sand, dust, minerals, and hardness that make it look and feel like a MOUNTAIN.
NAME-FORM_Self is a "NAME-FORM_Self", because it has properties that make it look and feel like a NAME-FORM_Self (BEINGS/Animals, Insects, plants).
The CONSCIOUSNESS in the form of "material-Self" is the material world properties of the object.
The CONSCIOUSNESS in the form of NON-material-Self (No_Self/MIND) is the Non_Self (Quantum world) properties of the object.
The ACTUAL question that is NOW to be asked is, whether the ROCK or MOUNTAIN has AWARENESS?
Since the material world is a projection of the EXISTENCE MODEL aka MENTAL STATES, we can SAFELY SAY that all objects living-sentient or non-living-inanimate, have AWARENESS, since they are ACTUALLY BEING DIRECTED BY THE QUANTUM WORLD MODEL of the EXISTENCE. This is further qualified by the fact that the WHOLE PURPOSE OF the QUANTUM existence model is to EXPERIENCE the QUALIA coming out of material world's EGO existence, and therefore that is only possible when all objects whether inanimate or sentient have AWARENESS model available at the QUANTUM WORLD and they are able to experience the QUALIA.
But the NEXT REAL FINAL QUESTION is; DO inanimate objects perform VOLITIONAL ACTS (Mental, verbal, or physical reactions) upon experience of the QUALIA?
Here we can safely conclude that the VOLITIONAL ACTS can ONLY be performed by the "sentient" objects. FISH reacts to the TOUCH and runs away. All Animals react to the touch and perform volitional acts. Some PLANTS perform volitional Acts when subjected to the TOUCH.
MOUNTAINS DO NOT perform volitional acts. ROCKS do not perform volitional acts (Mental, verbal, or physical reactions).
Thus, we can now conclude that ALL objects (Living or inanimate have CONSCIOUSNESS)
All OBJECTS inanimate or sentient have AWARENESS since the whole purpose of creating objects in the material world directed by mental states is to experience the QUALIA and that would not be possible without the AWARENESS MODEL existing at the QUANTUM REALM for that specific object.
Only animate/sentient objects Including Living beings/ANIMALS/INSECTS and PLANTS are capable of VOLITIONAL ACTS upon experiencing the QUALIA.
The inanimate objects [rock, a chair, a book, etc] DO NOT perform VOLITIONAL ACTS.
Thus, it FINALLY comes down to the question, of whether an OBJECT can perform VOLITIONAL ACTS upon experiencing the QUALIA.
THEREFORE MONKS and SCIENTISTS, where there is a need to SAY the WORD AWARENESS/MENTAL STATES/existence model, please DO NOT use the word 'consciousness' as that confuses common people.
every object, living-sentient or non-living-inanimate exists in 2 forms/consciousnesses. 1-MATERIAL_cosnciousness and 2-EGO_cosnciousness, and they both report to MENTAL STATES in the quantum world.
ALL objects (Living or inanimate have CONSCIOUSNESS / are CONSCIOUS)
All OBJECTS inanimate or sentient have AWARENESS/MENTAL STATES (experience QUALIA at quantum REALM)
Only animate/sentient objects Including Living beings/ANIMALS/INSECTS and PLANTS are capable of VOLITIONAL ACTS upon experiencing the QUALIA.
The inanimate objects [rock, a chair, a book, etc] DO NOT perform VOLITIONAL ACTS (Mental, verbal, or physical reactions).
THEREFORE MONKS and SCIENTISTS, where there is a need to SAY the WORD AWARENESS/MENTAL STATES/existence model, please DO NOT use the word 'consciousness' as that confuses common people.