The Wrong Way to do Business
If you're in business, I guarantee you've experienced this too. On the various platforms of social media, I receive daily messages from different people and/or companies reaching out to offer their services.
Sure, I get it. We're in business. We have bills to pay, profits to secure, and we must "hustle", as they say, to get to where we're going.
But what happened to genuine human dialogue? To connection? To the idea that people will do business with those they like and trust?
When I receive yet another message along the lines of "Hi Katy, thank you for accepting my connection request. How are you securing clients Katy? Do you want to hear how you can quickly and easily secure a funnel of unending clients in just a one-hour session? We promise you'll benefit just by watching this short video. Join this group. Sign up for this newsletter." Etc, etc. You get the drift.
I'm sure it's a formula being taught (believe me, the messages I receive are all the same...a quick intro, a question about my interest...then followed up with "are you still there?"). It's gotten old. And stale.
I have to admit, I want to scream at these well-intentioned people.
Here's the thing. You don't know me. You don't know my situation. And you sure don't know what I need or don't need. And if your agenda is simply to land another client, I've become a target for you with a dollar sign. Not a human being.
Listen, I say this not to judge all those trying to do business. I say this because we've forgotten what it means to operate from the heart. Our rinse and repeat messages are transactional, not human. And I can tell you right now that unless you genuinely care about me as a human being, I'm not interested in what you can do for me.
You know the saying "people don't care what you know until they know you care".
When you conduct your business today, what if you come back to the matters of the heart and remind yourself that your business is the tool by which you can make a difference? And to do so means to be focused on serving others with a genuine desire to create positive change. Let's drop the charade and get back to the heart of business with human beings.
Rant over and thank you for reading! ;)