The Wrong Thing to Do is Nothing
What is the “right thing” to do?
Not to get into a deep philosophical conversation but I will say this:
The wrong thing to do is nothing.
That’s right, nothing.
And we have a large population in the world who do nothing.? They don’t think for themselves, they watch and don’t act, many people won’t even talk to you in a civil manner.
So, we plod on while our world devolves and turns into a putrid soup.
Sometimes there are extreme consequences for taking action. Do you know what happened to the signers of the Declaration of Independence?? Most people don’t even know how many men signed it (there were 56).
Of those fifty-six signers, over one-third - were captured, tortured, and killed by the British, had sons captured or died in the Revolutionary War, or had their property seized, looted, and burned.
But look at what they created, a free nation.? They took action. They stood for something…Freedom.? They did not back down.
Personally, I’m glad they did.? I would not want to live anywhere else.
But things are changing and we’re not as free as we used to be.??
Open your eyes and look.? Do your research.? Think for yourself and take action.
Do something.? Take action.
Just like trust - it takes work to gain it but it can be lost quickly.? So it goes with FREEDOM.
The wrong thing to do is nothing.
Be great and be awesome,
P.S. If you don't like how finances or work-life is going and would like to start your own business, check out my link.?