The Wrong Solution or the Wrong Problem!? A Change Management Dilemma
BehNaz Gholami
Change Management Capability Builder for Complex Changes | Strategy Designer | Creativity Educator | Keynote Speaker | Bestselling Author
Everything was set for rolling out a communication dashboard under the corporate website for people managers. Details were designed, and a budget was assigned. The internal communication team was hopeful that a dynamic website as a data repository could address many communication-related issues for people managers during the mergers. The communication team contacted the change management team to evaluate the roll-out plan. That day, my colleague, whom I learned much from, shared the story with me. He asked my opinion about the so-called “mini communication project.” I smiled and asked if he thought what I was, and he said yes.
We were both thinking about the problem, not the solution. We were not sure if the problem was well defined. Long story short, a design thinking process revealed a more profound problem, far more multi-dimensional than a simple need for a data repository website. In fact, without the process, the dashboard – with all the dedicated time, expenses, and resources – was doomed to be another archived corporate page that people rarely visit.
Probably you have seen this infamous quote from Albert Einstein on problem-solving:
“If I were given one hour to save the planet, I would spend 59 minutes defining the problem and one minute resolving it.”
The quote is invaluable to me. I began this series by discussing why design thinking is not a method change but a mindset change. One crucial mindset shift for change management is asking?whether we are solving the right problem. We should stop and think twice. We usually take the problem definition for granted and jump into solution development mode.
After talking about the “empathy” phase in my?previous article, today I am going to talk about the “define” and “ideation” phases so we can address the dilemma of problem or solution.
What Do We Mean by “Problem Definition”?
To clarify the “definition process” in Design Thinking, I use the single-loop and double-loop learning concepts of Chris Argyris.
During the change management process, we often ask how we can do our work to get a better result for a change initiative. In a change strategy, we have our eyes on the results. We refine the strategy, tools, and techniques in a better scenario?to get the desired results. This loop is called single-loop learning. We constantly ask?if we are doing things right.
On the other hand, in double-loop learning, we ask?if we are doing the right things. The question helps us refine our change strategy and tactics by redefining our assumptions. How to define our assumptions? Through the empathizing process.
Therefore, problem definition results from analyzing and synthesizing the valuable data we gathered through empathizing. How to create the change strategy and plans that work? Through the “ideation” phase. The ideation phase is where we generate solutions.
Ideation Phase
One of the most common practices of the ideation phase is brainstorming. The problem definition is the critical difference between the brainstorming and the ideation phase. Many brainstorming sessions fail, and the ideas remain on the sticky notes because there is no apparent problem definition strategy or action strategy.
To have a successful brainstorming process, we should consider two dimensions to address appropriately: idea and action.
Some reasons why brainstorming fails regarding the idea dimension:
Some reasons why brainstorming fails regarding the action dimension:
During the ideation phase, our job is to cluster and assemble the ideas generated in brainstorming into an integrated form while guided by the criteria we developed in empathize and define stages. There are many other tools for the ideation process. Here I focused on brainstorming since it is the most common idea generation practice; unfortunately, design thinking is often mistaken for a simple brainstorming session. For now, let me remind you of the two common characteristics of all the Design Thinking models:
I will continue to add to the illustration above and complete the design thinking process in the following articles.
Do you want to see how we can get the expertise to define our problem and ideate implementable change solutions??Take a look here.
To your personal and professional growth,
This article first appeared in?Change Management Review. This is the fifth article of the series on Design Thinking for Change Management (DTforCM?).