The Wrong Measurement of ROI
????♀? Szilvia Olah
Fractional Talent Management Senior Executive | Employee Experience Design | Organisational Psychologist | Two Published Books
Dealing with ROI can be a real headache. I've talked about it before, and last night it came up again in a chat. I mentioned how the Kirkpatrick model is cool but kinda limited. In the business world, there's this misunderstanding about ROI—it's not just about raking in cash. People tend to boil it down to positive financial outcomes, but that's just not the whole story.
I think the new model should be based on four different ROIs:
Most knowledge, skill or behaviour training will not yield monetary ROI (Or at least it is very hard to boil them down to a clear financial outcome) but it doesn't mean you stop training employees. Examples:
Let me give you a real example. Take a large FMCG that sent its leadership team of 16 people to Switzerland for a 6-month Business course. Needless to say, they spent tons of money with no outcome to the business apart from the 16 having a fantastic time. The CHRO was super happy because the people were developed and invested in it. The CEO literally rolled his eyes at the CHRO (I laughed) saying "The business is still shit".
So I asked what was the purpose of such a huge investment to which both answered differently; skill development vs monetary ROI. I probed further, "Did you send them away with a clear message of what you expect of them when they are back?" Of course not. "Did you tell them that when they are back you expect them to create a commercial strategy based on what they learned, implement that and show the financial impact of their actions within the next 18 months?" Of course not.
Here is the thing, you only taught someone if the person's behaviour, actions, way of thinking, and/or knowledge have changed in the same context. If they have not you have wasted the money and this should be counted as a negative monetary ROI.
If you trained me in product knowledge so I can explain it to customers it is a positive Knowledge ROI even if it doesn't yield extra revenue. The money spent on training is justified and you must not look for monetary ROI benefit.
If you trained me on how to operate the machine so I can do the job you pay me for it is a positive Skill ROI even if it doesn't yield extra revenue. The money spent on training is justified and you must not look for monetary ROI benefit.
If you trained me on emotional regulation as a leader stopping me from losing my marbles because not shouting at employees is the minimum quality standard you set for your employees to have it is a positive Behaviour ROI even if it doesn't yield extra revenue. The money spent on training is justified and you must not look for monetary ROI benefit.
If you sent me for a "Business Strategy" course with clear instructions of what I need to do with that course (create a strategy that results in a 20% top-line revenue increase) post-program and I can do that it is a positive Monetary ROI. It can also mean positive knowledge, behaviour, and skills ROI.
Your ROI depends on knowing what you want from the training, learning or development intervention. Most will not result in monetary ROI and you must understand that. ROI is in the measurement of implementation and outcomes will vary; knowing, being able to do, behaving, and making money. That is the new model. And just a quiet FYI: All these data is in your Annual Appraisal....... WINK!
PS: This approach also provides satisfaction of training, learning, and development interventions to employees because achievement is satisfying! So throw away your happy sheets of measuring whether or not the person enjoyed the training and instead measure whether or not the person has acquired the required knowledge, skills, or behaviour and now can use those within the context of their role. This will be satisfying to them.
Watch: HR Has Wasted Millions of Dollars
The Corporate Kindergarten
Learning and Development Professional
10 个月Yet again ????♀? Szilvia Olah your thoughts are super thought provoking. As a Learnkng professional we are always looking for ways too prove our value. Considering each engagement within one of these 4 categories is great. How do we convince executive leadership that the monetary ROI isn’t the only way? Can we claw our way into their MBA programs and the train their professors to engage in this methodology?