Wrong has become Right and Right has become Wrong: Fuzzy Thinking
We live in a world which has turned upside down: wrong is now right and right is now wrong.
When “everybody does it” is against the law, just because people want to do something doesn’t make it legal. In a democracy, we don’t vote for every law by our actions. That’s anarchy. Democracy means we vote a government to make and/or uphold laws. If you are speeding in a zone where everybody speeds, and a cop stops you and gives you a ticket, you are obliged to pay that fine, even if you are the only person fined.
So, when people decide to move from one country to another without permission to enter the second country, they are illegal immigrants. There will be many reasons from which one might choose to leave his country and go to another. But even in the most difficult of situations, it is still up to the receiving country to determine whether or not the person has a “right” to immigrate or not. Without said permission, the person is an illegal immigrant.
So, when President Donald Trump makes the painful, difficult decision to reject illegal immigrants, makes a known policy of the consequences and acts accordingly, he is not the bad guy. He is simply exercising the legal right to reject someone illegal from entering his country. He is the watchman over his country and as he has said, “A country without borders is not a country” and he will not tolerate illegal immigration, “Not on my watch”.
On UK television last night, SKY NEWS stated the deadlock condition of US Congress, and how it is difficult to get anything passed. Within half an hour on BBC NEWS, President Trump was quoted as saying that if the Democrats would move on some legal issues over immigration, the draconian laws in the country could be changed, updated, and progress could be made. The newscaster painted Trump as the bad guy and said the fact that the president was demonstrating zero tolerance on illegal immigrants had nothing to do with the Democrats. Well, it clearly does and the news stations need to join up some dots!
It is sad, horrible and awful that children are being split from parents at the border, when illegal immigrants are being sent to prison and their children are not being sent to prison with them but to holding camps. But who are the bad guys?
The illegal immigrants do not have to (try to) enter the US. They are choosing to do so. And that is their crime. As a consequence, as a deterrent, the president is seeking to stop this activity. When a parent takes a child to commit an illegal act, he is teaching his child to disregard the law. When a parent is risking being caught for a crime that will separate him from his child, it is he that is taking that risk.
Have no doubt, it is awful that a two year old is put in a camp without his parents. But it is not the fault of the US president that this is happening. It is the consequence of a parent wilfully disregarding the law of the country he seeks to enter. A recent case brought to attention was a Honduran family. There are deplorable conditions in Honduras, one of the poorest and most crime-ridden countries on the planet. But if a family wants to escape, the US is not the only, and certainly not the nearest, country to which it may move.
Let’s split some hairs, recognise some responsibility and realise what is wrong and what is right. A president who seeks to change the laws and uphold the ones that exist until that is achieved is not in the wrong. The people who are trying to get into the US illegally are breaking the law. And the politicians refusing to change the laws, refusing to negotiate, are not doing their duty. Let’s start pointing fingers — if we must point fingers — at those who could make different choices and refuse to do so.
A fellow Linked In member has informed me about circumstances in child care agencies within the US who operate Pedofile rings. Let's take our attention to US children's welfare first, and recognise the parenting of illegal immigrants is not a matter, really, for the US to deal with until thereafter: https://medicalkidnap.com/2018/06/18/american-children-terrorized-by-cps-while-lawmakers-cry-about-border-children/