The Wrong Goodbye
My poor attempt at poetry! (This was written while contemplating quitting an alumni group; I got into a little contretemps and let loose some sarcasm that disturbed that club. Quit before they cut!)
Some come prepared
Some, to be repaired
Some come to meet and greet
Some others, to heat and beat
Some come to think
Some, to stir up stink
Some stay for no cause
Some, just for the applause
Some stay to shine or show off
Some, just to whine and go off
Some stay to joke and make merry
Some, to spread thoughts or theory
Some share photos, sweet memories
Some, bare sorrows, sad obituaries
Some juggle jump move and shake
Some struggle just to stay awake
With this or that syndrome some are pained, numb
Others, once sharp perhaps, now just plain dumb
Some go on intact
Some go on impact
Some go hissing
Some go missing
Some go in peace
Some go in pieces
The dead, the half-dead, and the brain-dead
Just quote but don't act what the sages said
"Datta. Dayadhvam. Damyata.
?Shantih shantih shantih"
P.S.? The last two majestic lines are of course borrowed; from T.S. Eliot quoting the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad at the very end of his 1922 magnum opus poem "The Waste Land."? The penultimate line means (ironic considering the recent history here, mea culpa!)? "give”, “be compassionate”, and “self-control!”