Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.
I’ve never been more wrong about political prognostication. I’ve never read the tea leaves more inaccurately. My instincts have never been more switched off, but I’ve ben educated. I’ll never trust public opinion polls again. I’ve always told people to lie when a pollster asks their opinion. That way, when polls become completely unreliable, politicians and the corrupt news media––Trumpanoia got one thing right––would stop relying on them and just might make decisions based on their own convictions. Speaking of polls, I’m dropping fivethirtyeight.com from my radar. Why? It’s unreliable.
I’ve never felt more alienated from the slim majority who made Trumpanoia the leader of our land. I thought I knew you, but clearly, I’ll have to be reacquainted. “Trust God and trust the people.,” the preacher says. No fucking way. God, maybe, but the people? Ted Nugent for Secretary of State? Chris Christie for anything? Rudi Giuliani? He belongs in an institution, and I’m not talking the Smithsonian.
All this is to say, given the events of the past 24 hours, I’m resigning as a political know-it-all prognosticator and going back to my job as a humble, quiet, thoughtful Connecticut editorial cartoonist trapped in a populist, nativist, nationalist, closed-border, homophobic, misogynist foreign country run by fascists. One more thing; I was wrong. It CAN happen here.
at Twelve
8 年On the one hand, I'm sad and disappointed that your recent writing deomstrate that you are much more partisan than I ever realized. On the other hand, I'm encouraged that you have the capacity to publicly acknowledge when you are wrong. And anyway, in an authentic democracy the voters are entitled to become dissatisfied and even angry and to express those feelings peacefully on election day. Whatever else one thinks about the outcome on Tuesday it seems to me that fundamentally that is what happened here. And I think that's a pretty wonderful thing for the longterm strength of the republic envisioned my our brilliant Founding Fathers. The government they created continues to function pretty darn well.
dessinateur caricaturiste ( cartoonist)..et blogueur
8 年great picture ..congratulations
Bob, your satire was right on and brilliant! You should be very proud and i hope you can be nominated for the 2016 Pulitzer Prize-winning Editorial Cartoonist. You were on the front lines. You must stay on the front lines. We have to continue to push push push to overcome this narcissistic who could very well destroy the heart of democracy.
Retired and Self Employed
8 年Have you received your thank you from the Trump campaign yet? In my opinion your cartoons with their strong messages of hate pushed a lot of people to vote for Trump. They are proud of your work over there! You have your pulse on America, but FYI America isn't spelled m-o-r-g-u-e. Please don't resign! Trump will need you in 4 years.
Non-Profit Professional, Grants & Funding, Higher Ed,
8 年My thoughts this morning, We elected a horrific, hateful, ignorant, facist, bully, the original “ugly american,” to our highest office. Yes, it is frightening. The Work for Justice and Peace will continue. We will dig a little deeper for courage and Stand taller, shoulders back, heads up.? Sure of our strength, love and compassion. ?Speak truth. Trust good. See. Keep and Guard Liberty, Justice and Peace.? Summon our collective strength. ?Resist evil together. Be trust-worthy.? Remain clear, vigilant, true. Carry light.? Continue to welcome all, be neighbors. ?Remain a nation of those who love. And ?Believe we will.