I discovered this on my blog, which I placed there in 2013. I was then doing a few days work at a private college and this was given to me to instruct students. At that particular college, hardly any of the lecturers wrote English a primary school child would have owned up to. I resigned in shame and frustration a few weeks later. These case studies were for a level 4/5 course. The corrections and amendments are mine.

Case Study 1

Mr A is a young man of 25 years old in ABC Care Home. He was admitted in(this is not right! Surely into) this care home following an assessment by the manager at (not right again! ‘Of’.) the (no 'the'. This does not require an article)Kingston Hospital in the presence of the doctors, nurses, social worker and next of kin. Mr A has had an accident by (by isn’t needed and this is past not perfect tense) falling off a ladder while performing the task of window cleaning. He has his skull almost half damaged (My ten year old could do better! Past tense not present perfect. You cannot have something half damaged) , cannot speak, but can still understand and communicate by using sign and symbol and the assistive speaking keyboard and other devices. He has broken legs (his legs are broken) and needs to be transferred onto his armchair, electric wheelchair and bed using the transferring equipment. He has food intake problem (s) and is on peg feed. However, he needs drinking using thickener (Is this written by a child? Anyway if he’s on peg feed, he can’t drink). He needs to have(wrong tense again!) clinical care with change of dressing and medication as prescribed by the doctor.

Case Study 2

Ms R is a young lady of 30 years with learning difficulties and has been admitted in (to) ABC Care Home on the first floor in the Young Physically and Mentally Disabled unit of the care home for rehabilitation. She never likes to have (wrong tense again!) personal hygiene and wanders throughout the home thereby causing discomfort and inconvenience to other service users through her awkward (what do they mean?) clothes and stinking (wow) body. Four staff members are required to use restraint to be able to attend to her (this isn’t English) personal hygiene as she is very much (liable to extreme physical aggression) physically aggressive. 


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