Writing your own Ebook
Mike Menahem, MBA
Expert and consultant in Federal and SLED Government Bids - RFI, RFQ and RFP's, Proposals, Quotes and Contracts, Contract modification, Referral and Intro Network Group Organizer
About 10 months ago, I decided I was going to write an ebook. A few of the reasons I decided to do that were, I wanted to share my stories and ideas of what I had experienced in Government Contracting in the last 10 years. Also, as founder and owner of Govbidpro.com, I wanted to have a marketing tool to get out to prospects and clients. Its also something I've added to my website and have sold.
The way to get organized is to map out what you want to say by the four or five main sections of the ebook. I also would recommend to stay below 40 pages. Naturally, if you have a website, you can throw it up there. I also dedicated my ebook to a few people that have left a mark on my life. One thing I also added was an intro and a preface. Both those sections gave the reader and idea of how the book was organized. In fact, I created it like a college book of how to. It does build on itself.
If you're going to write an ebook, I also recommend adding examples and appendices as well as graphs and other visual examples. One way to go about it is to ask yourself, what would the reader ask, what would be an FAQ, that might come up ?