Writing for the Proper Fit

Someone told me, recently, writing is a gift. I think we who write for others are a gift to each other. Grants require a certain rigor creative writing may not. In other words, we grant writers are called upon to ensure what we write reflects the integrity and accountability of our organizations. Writing with integrity means we source our claims in strategic plans, policy documents, and authorities above our written selves i.e., another primary source. Accountability means, we take responsibility for the outputs and outcomes we write into each grant, i.e, we agree to understand the outputs and outcomes. Something we share with the creative writer is our zen to research the wide and outlying dimensions of the mission statement seeking the proper fit for what we write with the funds to support the fitness .i.e, a collaboration could make this possible. Oh, by the way, I will try not to be smug about this, writing with the proper fit sounds good to me.


