Writing Tools
I am starting a series on what things I use when I write because I am always interested in what others use. I currently use Grammarly for all my editing needs. I use an editor off and on, but I am just starting so paying someone is not an option. I did not choose Grammarly I was finishing off a degree at a university and received a lifetime membership when I graduated. Mine is the professional version so that the features may be different for other people. I do not think I would keep it if I had to pay for it not because of features but because of the way you have to pay. I do not utilize software that comes with a monthly subscription. As for the elements, they are fantastic for me. I have seen an improvement in several areas of my writing. I have also become lazy in parts, but it has increased my speed. The first area for me that has improved has been passive speech. With Grammarly it will tell you when you are using and overusing the verb 'be' and all its derivatives. When I started with the program, the usage of the word 'wonderful' was way out of control. I had never thought about the words that I use too much in that I am currently writing on a casual level. I have become lazy in adding commas while I am typing because the program tells me when I need them. However, not worrying about punctuation has increased my productivity about a thousand words a day.
There are several features that I like about the program. It checks for plagiarism, which is never an issue with me; I don't think I have ever had a warning pop up. It gives you a word count that is vital for me and how I write. I often have goals because of ghostwriting, and the word count is the way we control our stories. Just a warning on word count, not all software calculates the same way. I can put a document in Grammarly and have one number, stick it in scrivener get another number, and put it in a word document with yet a different summary. Because I write for hire, I check my word count on multiple sources and always go a bit over. It is not hard to rework a sentence or a scene and squeeze details out of it. The overall score feature is nice it lets you know where you are at with your rough draft and then when you finalize. It is common for my writing to start in the '50s and to end up in the high 90's I am not a stickler for 100. You can set your goals for writing mine are currently 'correctness,' 'clarity,' 'engagement,' and 'delivery.' Through the software, you can choose the kind of writing you are working on, which changes the intensity of the editing process. I am currently using general and casual. The biggest drawback is having to use it via the internet. I always prefer stand-alone programs, but I am happy with the performance and because I still get it free see no need to change.
I would purchase it if I could pay a one time fee but to pay monthly, I will not do that. The program is simple to use and easy to learn. If you are wanting a decent editing program and do not mind the pay structure or want to use the free portion, check it out. I am not affiliated with any of the products I write about; I use them or have tried them and want to share my feelings on them. W
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