Writing Tip of the Week
Writing Tip of the Week
My Name Ain’t Nobody
I recently heard a young writer (young in terms of writing experience) complain that “nobody knows me, so I’ll never make it as a published writer.” That last bit about making it may be true; success depends on many factors. But being a nobody isn’t one of them unless the writer decides to make it so. At one time nobody had ever heard of Mark Twain, Hemmingway, Harper Lee, Jack Kerouac, Isaac Asimov, or Stephen King. Each of us as writers start from the same starting line of public awareness.
Awareness requires the writer to accomplish five basic tasks.
Task number one is to write a good story. That’s easy in the sense that writing is a joy; it’s the easiest job in the world. Writing does require discipline. That’s right, to enjoy, and I mean to really enjoy the fun of writing, you have to have a daily schedule and you have to stick to it. Writing well is a skill that develops over time and it’s a skill that improves with age. The more you write, the better writer you become.
Task number two is to share the wealth. The worst judge of a writer’s work is the writer. Whether or not a story is successful depends on the readers, on the market. It’s important for the writer to forget any qualms about being good or successful or recognized. Publish! Put the work on the market, forget about it, and move on to the next story.
Task number three is to become your own force multiplier. A force multiplier is something that increases the power of a single person, unit, or army. A writer’s force multiplier is his ability to produce more work. One-hit-wonders occur, but that’s no way to earn a living, support a lifestyle, or become known as a successful writer. Once a reader finds your story – and some will – they will want more. It’s the writer’s job to make sure that reader’s desire for more is fulfilled. If he can’t find more of your work, he’ll move on to someone who is more disciplined and who produces sequels, prequels, and a continual stream of new works.
Task number four is to play the long game. That’s just the way it is. Publishing today is easier, faster, and more profitable for the author than at any time in history, but the writer seeking the fast buck and fame will be disappointed. I can write a novel and have it published around the world within 30-45 days of handing the manuscript over to my designer/formatter. That’s fast. But my thinking is never focused on weeks or months. I think in terms of years and I mean five years-down-the-road thinking.
Task number five is to call your own shots. Several factors are involved. As noted, you must write to a schedule. Study writing, publishing, marketing, and something completely removed from writing (to keep your mind stimulated). Learn the ins and outs of publishing. The publishing world is still in turmoil over the indie publishing revolution. As hustler Tony Curtis said in Operation Petticoat, “In confusion, there is profit.” Thanks to this confusion, writers have more options than ever. Use them to your advantage. Learn all you can about contracts and copyrights, covers and formatting, promotion and marketing. This effort takes time and that’s all part of playing the long game.
Remember, each of us starts from the same place of anonymity at the literary starting line. How far you go after the starter’s gun depends solely on you.?
Quote of the Week: ?”Real confidence comes from knowing and accepting yourself—your strengths and your limitations—in contrast to depending on affirmation from others.” Judith M. Bardwick
Recommended Reading: Killing the Top 10 Sacred Cows of Indie Publishing by Dean Wesley Smith
Plan Ahead: Desert Foothills Book Festival – October 19, 2024
Shameless Self-Promotion:
YouTube Appearances: Monster’s Lounge; Sasquatch Paranormal Podcast; Afraid of Nothing; Patricia Monna Talks with Pendulum Dowser Dan Baldwin; Journey Through the Gate: Old West Spirits with Dan Baldwin; Journey Through the Gate: Dan Baldwin Author/Psychic in the Superstition Mountains; House of Mystery Radio Show on NBC: Dan Baldwin Psychic Detective; House of Mystery Radio Show on NBC: The Psychic Detective Guidebook; Horsefly Chronicles with Julia & Phillip Siracusa: Dan Baldwin & George Sewell; Watchers Talk: Is It Possible to Communicate with the Departed?; X2RS: Speaking with Spirits of the Old West; Andy de Codes: Dan Baldwin; Vincent Zandri? from The Writer’s Life Episode 851: Dan Baldwin; Rob McConnell Show: Dan Baldwin – The Psychic Detective Guidebook; Dangerous Thoughts; Generation X Paranormal, Generation X Paranormal;
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