Writing and Time Management Go Hand in Hand
Connie Ragen Green
Mentoring You to Unlimited Success! Author/Publisher/Entrepreneur/Strategist ...They call me "The Marketing Madwoman"
Are Writing and Time Management Synchronistically Intertwined?
I’m a writer. This means that ideas flow through my mind like water flows through a rushing river. It also means that if I don’t find an effective way to capture my thoughts and ideas and manage my time, every part of my life, including my writing will suffer. Writing and time management go hand in hand, in my experience. Let’s delve more deeply into what this looks like in your life.
If you’re anything like me, there are never enough hours in the day to write as much as you would like to. You can still write and publish as many articles, blog posts, full length books, and eBooks as you like to be successful as an author, if you learn how to manage your time well. I first learned about time management when I was in college. I wanted and needed to make time for classes, homework, a part-time job, a young family and some kind of a social life. Figuring out how to juggle so many things at once has helped me tremendously now that I write full time.
Figure out what time of day is best for you to write. Think of those as your “prime time” hours each day. I like to write several pages early in the morning. As a part of this morning routine, I also meditate and do some light stretching. This makes me feel like I am making progress on my newest project, whether it’s anew course, product, book, or training and gives me a sense of accomplishment. Then I go for a walk and come back and write some more.
Typically, I’m not engaged in any writing during the afternoon because my brain isn’t as sharp. Over the years I’ve trained myself to get a “second wind” in the early evening and I write some more for an hour or two before closing down my computer (and my brain) for the night.
I encourage you to identify your own prime time hours and then write when the time is best for you. Your schedule may have to be adjusted to do this. Commit to writing for a specific amount of time each day, even if that is just a half an hour in the beginning. Increase this to an hour each day and you’ll fully understand the concept of writing and time management going hand in hand.
You may want to take a look at Jason Fladlien’s Double Your Productivity training course when it’s next available. It’s thorough and thought provoking and at a fair price. When it comes to writing and time management, I continue to look to the thought leaders in each of these areas for strategies and mentorship.
We all have the exact same amount of time in our days. Twenty-four hours can fly by, or you can slow down time and maximize your joy and productivity. It’s a choice. Once I made the conscious decision to value each moment of my day, my life changed in a major way. I now have more free time than anyone I know, and with this shift came financial freedom as a bonus! Take hold of your schedule and to-do list, ask for help on a regular basis, and learn how to say no when something does not fit into your life plan.
Imagine your life with an unlimited amount of time and money. What does that look like for you? How and with whom will you fill your days? Here’s an exercise that can help guide you to closer to where you would like to be in your life..
Keep track of your time for three full days. If you work, select these three days where are least one of them will be of your choosing and not directed by someone else. Think about everything you have to do during your days, and the activities you decide to engage in, by yourself and with others. How does it feel? What would or could you change about how you spend your time each day?
Once you can see how writing and time management are intertwined and go hand in hand, you’ll be on your way to creating a lifestyle by design that works for you to achieve all of your goals and dreams.
This article originally appeared on my site at https://connieragengreen.com/writing-and-time-management/.
I’m bestselling Wall Street Journal and USA Today author, independent publisher, and serial entrepreneur Connie Ragen Green and I would love to connect further with you. If you have an interest in hosting video live streams, even if you’re an introvert, to help you skyrocket your way to success, please check out my comprehensive training for beginners at Video Live Streaming for Introverts so you may get started right away.