On Writing
Sharon Hill
Freelance journalist, author, writes fiction as Izzy Quinn. Author of Shameful.
I have a damn good ear for when something I'm writing is "off," and when it's really really good. My practiced ear comes from years of writing but I think it's been primarily developed by reading voraciously since I first learned to read.
As Stephen King has said: "If you don't have the time to read, you don't have the time (or tools) to write."
If my writing is "off" I seldom know why right away. I have to put it aside and read something else - writing tutorial, a good novel, a great blog. Or just get to my best thinking places - hiking trail, treadmill, pool side. Inevitably something will hit me about what I must change and how. Often the insight comes from an unexpected source.
This week's insight about what the hell was wrong with parts of my first e-book came from the wonderful On Writing book by Stephen King. I'm reading his delightful story about how he got started and wham! something he says sets my creative lightbulb to high beam.
Today I'm spending reworking the e-book's problem areas - thanks to Stephen King.
Can't hike for a few more days on orthopedist orders, so my break will be swimming - and more On Writing pool-side reading.
If you write or want to write, you MUST read this book. It's not only full of irreverent stories of his early years - stuff we don't hear about him anywhere else - but it teaches in an easy-to-read, immensely retainable way, many tips and tools for writing success.