Writing in the Sand: A Teacher’s Tale of Triplets
?...Kathleen Kasper-Kat Armstrong
? Content Writing ?? Sales ??Training ? Community Support & Office Assistance ? Recruiting & Team Building
Edited August 2017
Master teacher and storyteller, Jesus, used tales to map out and help people understand unseen principles that could guide their lives, if they chose to pay attention and listen. One of the great lessons he came to teach was on compassion and understanding. This tale can be found in John 8 of the Bible.
At the time, Jesus was already in the act of teaching, and there were certain people who sought Him out, not because they wanted to learn from Him, but because, they wanted to prove that He was not “good enough” to be called God's son. Sow, they came to Him, asking a what they should do to law breaker they had caught.
The crime this person was said to have committed: adultery. The customary punishment for such deeds: death by way of stoning.
Did you notice that Jesus paused to write, before answering?
As a mentor, Jesus knew He needed to reveal the best way to handle such situations. While you may be familiar with this biblical story, the tale I am about to tell today, is a tale of triplets which I gained from my OWN experiences when teaching, which parallels the answer He gave sow many years ago.
“ He who as ears to hear, let him hear.”
Matthew 11:15 , Matthew 13:9 , Matthew 13:43, Mark 4:9, Luke 8:8 and Luke 14:35
The Tale of Three Children: The First Child
Just as Jesus was put to the task of teaching people with various backgrounds and ability levels, I too, worked with students who had much the same diversity. Sow, to begin this tale, let me tell you about One student whose mother did not want her child to think of himself as having a disability. Instead, this child’s mom wanted her child to think of Himself as “Able-Bodied.” When another student noticed Able-Bodied had an assistant helping him, she asked him "What disability do you have? You seem normal to me. I have a disability and I don't have an assistant."
The confused child looked to me for the answer, and sow I asked Him "What do you struggle with?" He said, "I have a hard time making friends." To which I answered, "Well I guess that's why I am here to help you." Both children accepted this as a valid option and the matter was settled.
It was at this time that I realized WHY I always enjoyed helping children, those who are getting on in years, and those with disabilities: unlike many people who are considered "successful” by the world's standards, these people are often aware of their weaknesses and accept their shortcomings as part of who they are, while knowing it is not ALL of who they are.
The bi-product of having this fullness of knowledge is humility. When One SEEs both talents and weaknesses, this knowledge provides us with the ability to have both empathy and wisdom that all of creation is a spectacular miracle, worthy of loving kindness and respect, frailties intact.
The Tale of Three Children: The Second Child
Another child I know, was nicknamed "Mr Love." Let me tell you how Mr. Love came to have His nickname. Mr Love often wore a sweat jacket that said "love love love" written on the back of His jacket in red. When I first saw Mr. Love’s jacket, I read the words out loud. The child gave me a quizzical look. I touched the back of His jacket, saying, "SEE: love, love, love!" as I pointed to each word. He nodded and repeated what I said "Love, love, love."
Thus became a morning ritual for us. Many mornings Mr. Love would arrive to school with His jacket on and say, "Mrs. Armstrong, love love love." On other occasions, Mr. Love would say “Love, love, love” even when He didn’t have His “love” jacket on, and I would smile and say "yes, love, love, love."
But let me tell you something else about Mr. Love: when it came time to do work, Mr Love often showed me No-Love. He’d huff and puff as I tried to teach him what to do. If I asked Him to get a red crayon and color the rectangle red, He would grab a green crayon and color a triangle. When I tried to show Him where the red crayon was and where the rectangle was, He would stomp His feet and pout.
Despite His opposition, I really cared about Mr Love and wanted to help Him, but this wasn’t always an easy task. The truth is, I think Mr. Love really wanted to learn, but He wanted to learn when He was ready to learn, and in the way that best suited His learning style, He just didn’t have the skills to voice this to me, at that time.
Here lies the real quest in our lives; figuring out HOW to help those in need, when we who are helping are struggling Too. Can you relate? I realize, today, that to work with this child, it sometimes required a triple portion of love. Imagine that! SumOne even thought to give me a hint to remind me of this fact.
The Tale of Three Children: The Third Child
Another child I came to know was often called "Babied." Although Babied was seven years of age, He was very petite and his mom was known for constantly doting on him. Certain people were greatly bothered by the way this child was being raised, and felt Babied needed to learn how to be independent. While this may be true, I also noticed that Babied felt highly valued by the very person often criticized for "babying" Him.
I also noticed that despite having weaknesses other children didn't struggle with, Babied was very bright about other matters. Babied could put a puzzle together lickety-split and remember all the details of our weekly schedule faster than the adults could.
Babied, like many children, loved to have fun, which included sometimes being "naughty" with the rest of the kids. But what I loved most about this child is that his "naughtiness" did not include being unkind. All I had to do was give Babied a look that said "you're really going to act that way?" and he would stop.
One of the more painful things I noticed about Babied; however, was that He was also keenly aware of things He could not do that other kids His age could do. We never talked about it, but I noticed when that look of shame came over His face, and at those times I tried to distract Him from the scoffers and help him accomplish His task. Unlike Mr. Love, Babied really appreciated extra support, and thrived with the extra help.
The Place Where Three Meet:
One year Babied was in One class and Mr. Love was in another, and as fate would have it, they ran into one another on the playground. Babied and I were sitting on the ground (Much like Jesus did when He taught).
Babied picked up the chalk and started to write. As He began to write His name (which we had practiced all year long) I sat there and watched. One letter at a time, He showed me that He was now able to form each letter in the correct formation, direction and order. I smiled to let Him know how happy I was that he was able to accomplish this difficult task.
Mr. Love was watching from a distance and appeared interested. He wanted to join in, so He walked up to us and asked "Me Too?" "Sure" I replied.
As He sat down, I handed Him the chalk and asked "do you want to write your name Too?" He smiled and nodded. "Go ahead" I said, and He wrote the first letter of His name. It was backwards. I waited to see what else He would do, but He stopped. "Do you know what's next?" I asked. He shook His head signifying He didn’t know.
So I did what Jesus did, I picked up the chalk and I wrote on the ground. I started with the first letter of the 5 letters in His name. As I formed each letter, I said "now you do it!" He followed my lead, and guess what? One letter at a time He was able to write His name, with a little assistance from SumOne who was willing to wait, until the time had come when He could learn.
It’s at this time that I’d like to point out something that people who work with kids understand: It’s more effective to stoop down when working with children, so that they SEE that you don’t want to intimidate them by coming at them from a higher position. This is an important detail to notice in the story about Jesus and the woman, where Jesus is said to have bent down to write in the sand when people questioned Him about the woman. (See John 8:6-8)
How it warms my soul to know that God chose to reveal the essence of His stories to me years later. Are you curious what else I learned, when I listened to what God had to say to me about this tale? It is another tale of triplets, in the form of messages, to each person for which this tale was written.
A Message to the Three Children:
To Mr. Love the teacher says this: Love, I know that deep down inside you want to learn. I also know that you need learn at your OWN pace and in the way that fits you just rite, sow I will I will teach you: One stroke at a time, One lesson at a time.
“Don’t be afraid of missing out...The Father wants to give you the very kingdom itself.” Luke 12:32 MSG
To Babied, the teacher says this: Babied, I know that there are certain people who look down on you, but I don't want you focusing on them, I want you to look over here at me. I want you to SEE what I Am doing. Behold, I Am here to help.
“…Let me teach you for I am gentle and humble.” Matthew 11:28 TLB
And to “Able Bodied, the teacher says this: Able Bodied I know you were confused when SumOne pointed out your weaknesses. The truth is this, everyOne has strengths and weaknesses. Know this, and that knowledge can now empower you to do what YOU were made to do, regardless of what others say and do.
“if you remain faithful to my teaching.?Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31-32 CEB
And To the Accusers God Provides the Tale of Three Stones:
Another tale a wise teacher Onece told, tells the story of a young boy by the name of David who was said to defend the children of God. This tale can be found in 1 Samuel 17 of the Bible. While David was said to be the youngest of his father's children, when it came time to confront the person who was taunting God's children, it was David who was victorious over this accuser.
“And David?put?his hand?in his bag,?and took?thence a stone,?and slang?it, and smote?the Philistine?in his forehead,?that the stone?sunk?into his forehead;?and he fell?upon his face?to the earth.” 1 Sam 17:49 KJV
How did David take down this giant foe? He struck him the head, the very place where thoughts are formed. It turns out that Jesus, Too, faced His accusers, not with earthly weapons, but with His words alone.
When Jesus confronted the accusers who set out to stone the woman they said was caught in the act of adultery, in John 8 of the Bible, he gave them a few stones (ore minerals) in return to consider.
Stone One
The word inscribed on the first stone he gave said this:"mistakes." Jesus held this stone up to the accusers and said, "you who has never made a mistake, here you throw this stone, for that is what sin is, it is simply a mistake made."
Stone Two:
On the next stone was written the word "weakness." He held it out to another One, and said "you who has no weaknesses, you go ahead and throw this stone, for I know you are Too strong to have any weaknesses of your OWN.”
Stone Three:
On the third and final stone was written the word "need." He looked at the accusers to find the One with no needs and said, "Here it is, you who has never needed anything, this stone if for you to throw. I am sure you learned how to read the scriptures all by yourself, rite? Sow, you go ahead and throw THIS stone."
And he waited to SEE what would happen.
No one chose to throw the stones they had. Instead, they walked away with a new understanding of what "Sin" really is and left judgment up to one who never sinned, which apparently was not them.
The Motivational Mineral this Monday is This:
If you ever have been rejected or face rejection in the future, remember this:
"The stone?which?the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone." --Psalm 118:22 NKJV
And that Chief Cornerstone, shared these added bits of guidance to lead The Way:
“...Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.?38?This is the great and first commandment.?39?And?a second is like it:?You shall love your neighbor as yourself.?40?On these two commandments depend?all the Law and the Prophets.” Matthew 22:37-40 (ESV)
In 1 Corinthians 13, which indicates the attributes of love, it gives yet One more triplet for us to consider:
"these three remain: faith, hope and love, but the greatest of these is love." 1 Cor 13: 13 NIV
I'll end this Tale of Triplets with an added seed for thought, written by a couple farmers I've heard have a few seeds to sow:
??????“ One thing I know, everybody’s got a seed to sow.” --By: Michael W. Smith, Wayne Kirkpatrick
If you have a few seeds of love to sow, don't hesitate to sprinkle them wherever you go!
Link Notes:
Initially upon writing this article, links were added to specific words (boldly capitalizing on key ideas). Notes were included (and many of the key links removed) instead, pointing to where you may find these key ideas online.)
“He who as ears to hear, let him hear.” links to the various scriptures in the Holy Bible. You are able to search for this phrase in a variety of online resources such as Bible Gateway. Bible Gateway, according to their statement of faith page, is a "Christian, mission-centered enterprise, focused on making Scripture freely available on the Web in multiple languages and translations." This site contains a variety of different Bible versions including the Luke 12:32 excerpt from The Message version and the John 8:31-32 Common English Bible version that was included in this publication.This online resource also includes the Complete Jewish Bible translation.
Blue Letter Bible: This online resource is helpful for accessing the Strongs notes for each word/phrase in the scriptures. The linguistic notes are based on the original language that was used at the time the scriptures were spoken and written. The King James Version, New International Version and the Latin American RVR 60 version are some of the translations that are available at this site.
I am: In Exodus 3:13-15 God reveals to Moses the name he should provide to others, should they ask him who sent me.
here: Youtube video of the song "I will be here" by Christian music artist Steven Curtis Chapman
SEE:Google Books autobiography by Mary Beth Chapman, the wife of Christian music artist, Steven Curtis Chapman, which tells the story about how this family received a message from God about "Choosing to SEE."
One: YouTube video “One True God” from Mark Harris (Christian singer/songwriter and senior worship pastor of Gateway Church in Southlake Texas)
sow: Bible Gateway link to the "Parable of the Sower" in Matthew 13 ESV. Bible Gateway, is, according to their statement of faith page, " a Christian, mission-centered enterprise, focused on making Scripture freely available on the Web in multiple languages and translations."
rite: Homonymns/sound alike words for write include "rite" and "right." Wikipedia is a great resource for reviewing a description of rites. Wikipedia is a free multilingual website where people across the globe are able to input information they know about the subjects listed.
The Way: Bible Gateway shows the Isaiah 40:3 ESV passage in the Bible. Bible Gateway, is, according to their statement of faith page, " a Christian, mission-centered enterprise, focused on making Scripture freely available on the Web in multiple languages and translations."
ore: Wikipedia description of ore.Wikipedia is a free multilingual website where people across the globe are able to input information they know about the subjects listed.
OWN: The Oprah Winfrey Network page where Super Soul Sunday episodes are listed, where you can gather additional spiritual minerals to motivate your day.
Imagine: YouTube video of the song "Imagine" written by singer, songwriter and activist John Lennon, and sung by the american eclectic accapella group known as Pentatonix.
Too: Personal Blogger post “Perfectly Paired Partners” Read more about “Too” in the section entitled: “The Birth of AweSum One and AweSum?Too.”
Quote: “One thing I know, everybody’s got a seed to sow.” quote from the song "Seed To Sow" written by Christian music artists Michael W. Smith and Wayne Kirkpatrick
Founder @ LetUsPlayToLearn | Social Networking, Coaching & Mentoring | Guest Faculty, IIT Madras, PPD
6 年Lovely article
Researcher / Writer / Community Systems Builder--
7 年?...Kathleen Kasper-Kat Armstrong glad that I waited until now to finally read this as it has much to absorb. It is so clear that you love children and know how to reach them based on their individual uniqueness.
chicken whisperer?voice-in-the-wilderness?the thinking man's circular knitting machine mechanic
7 年?...Kathleen Kasper-Kat Armstrong. I heard another interesting take on this story a while back. He was irritated with them, so by bending down and writing in the sand he was making light of them. Making like he was half-listening. Never was he a fan of pious or self-righteousness. A lesson that all of us could remember.