Writing reviews is good for writers
A book review is consistently the most powerful tool for writers to get their book noticed by readers who will buy it.
In an article, The Value of Book Reviews for Indie Authors, Kathryn Brown states that book reviews establish credibility and competency of the book.
There are also benefits for writers who review books.
The review gets posted on social media and that raises awareness of the review writer as well as the author. However, the biggest benefit is what a reviewer learns from assessing and analysing someone else’s writing.
When writing a review, it is not enough to skim read the book, repeat the plot and what characters do. A reviewer absorbs the nuances of the story, how well the plot ties together and how well the characters come alive for the reader.
Writing reviews teaches a writer to think analytically about what makes a piece of fiction or non-fiction work. It also puts them in the shoes of the reader, making them consider why they are compelled to keep reading…or not.
When reading a book, reviewers ask themselves why they should keep reading and depending on the answer continue to read. This is also a good discipline for writers. Reviewers are not a writer’s close family member or friend. A reviewer is objectively assessing a piece of writing on its storyline, pace, characterisation, editing, continuity and much more. In fact, a reviewer should not give the storyline away.
The sorts of questions a reviewer asks as he or she reads are:
- Is the story line logical/believable?
- Do the characters behave consistently or in a way the reader would expect?
- Are the characters believable?
Looking at all these elements is good training for any writer.