The writing project
We all grow through learning and experimenting. For the writer in me the learning curve was correlated with that of my professional life.
I've always use the project methodology I applied as a Project Manager, Scrum Master, Startup cofounder as a way to approach the writing process. Lately I applied product methodology, but about this later.
"The writing project" is the preferred term I use. It means so many things for so many writers.
I understood more about it once we started to build tools for writers. Behind the noise of all the ways of defining writers - pantsers, planners, etc - the professional writers we worked with while building the Asengana Writing platform were intuitively or intentionally using a project management approach to their research, planning, time management, and writing process.
It was such a clear delineation between the writers determined to become professional writers - make money from their work - and those that were either writing for pleasure or just feeding / overinflating their egos and using the writer badge as a shiny thing providing social recognition.
It wasn't about talent. The talented writer was never guaranteed to succeed. It was about determination and smart work. Not hard work. Smart work.
Determination was a constant. Write every day. Finish what you started.
Hard work was not using plotting, structure, predefining characters, locations. It meant rewriting... a lot.
Smart work was when you started to identify a project management approach being used. The main need, characteristic, and motivation of the protagonist were defined first. Plot points were identified and the respective scene had a POV and location/settings. More details here - Project management for writers with Asengana in 6 steps.
Looking back at the last three years, my "writing project" suffered. It was a conscious and painful decision to focus on helping other writers make their writing projects better.
I thought the time was come to give more time to my writing projects. I'm not sure I will be able to do that since I'm moving, in my professional life, into product management. This natural evolution will influence and redefine a better approach to the writing process. It will make our platform better and will help writers be more efficient, work smarter.
The question remains: how about my writing project? When I will finish my novels, my short stories? If time is the enemy and I help other writers make better use of it, when it's my turn?