''Writing is one thing, but praying is another.''
Ελενη Μαλεβιτη
Unemployed mother and wife. at home; my headquarters. I wantto be a writer, when I buy an Olivetti.
What is praying? Emotions directed to Lord. We say thank you Lord for keeping us safe this night from all evil and for wake us to the new day safe and sound. That's a gratitude feeling.
We say '' give us Lord out daily bread'' to provide us with what our physical body needs so as not to be hungry or thirsty. That's a pray for our needs. But He knows them already and provides.
We also say '' forgive my sins as I forgive the sins of my bother who hurt me, neglected me, abandoned me, left me alone, said bad things for me, left me without food and shelter above my head, or as I forgive my worst enemy''. And this is far more difficult than feeding the poor. To love and forgive those who insulted you, degraded you, put you down on the ground with their knee on your neck and left you breathless for 8 minutes and 48 seconds, that's even harder to do. And I can understand that.
That's why who ever wants to be called Christian or follower of Lord Jesus Christ the Savior, has to practice what he/she preach. And that's not an easy task. He/she has to fight an enemy which inside him/her and it is called ego. The thrown of our heart, can't fit you and Lord. Either of you will sit on it. Either you or Him.
A man a long time ago said something and those who heard him wrote it down for all of us who live these days to learn. A pearl can sit on two towels; one towel is called ''humility'' and the other towel is called ''love''. Then the pearl = Lord, stays there and doesn't leave you. If one or the other towel does not exist in you, then the pearl rolls and goes away from you.
'' Love '' and ''Humility''= ''Lord is in you''. LORD IS ONE, L and H are two, and His Holy Ghost is three. Today we celebrate the arrival of the Holy Ghost to the people. It will never abandon us till the end of time. Nobody knows where It goes. It can be everywhere, or It can hide from us. But It exists. And the prayer says,
''Heavenly King, Comforter,
The Spirit of Truth, The Οne who is everywhere and redeems everything,
Τhe Treasure of goods/necessities, and Provider of Life,
come and encamp your teepee inside us,
and clean us from every spot,
and save, Good/Virtuous/Honest/Lamp, our souls.''
It's time to go wash the dishes.
TO be continued.