On Writing Non-Fiction - 8
David Dirks
CMO, Central Willamette Credit Union | Managerial Analytics | Author | Speaker/Presenter l Marine Corps Veteran
So here's the deal. I'm currently way behind on the manuscript for this book - I did work up an additional 600+ words within the last two weeks of this post. What does an author do in this case? Well, seeing as though I'm not going to make my self-imposed deadline of having a working manuscript ready for October 2018 - I'll make two adjustments. The first is my revised self-imposed deadline of on or before April 2019 for the working draft and a new weekly writing requirement of a minimum of 500 words per week - starting now. Am I worried? Nope. This is the life of a part-time writer. You evaluate and adjust as needed. My priority is to write a quality book that offers value to its readers. There's no rush if it sacrifices quality. I'm just going to keep writing - although with a bit more discipline now.