On Writing Non-Fiction - 10
David Dirks
CMO, Central Willamette Credit Union | Managerial Analytics | Author | Speaker/Presenter l Marine Corps Veteran
I started this writing session with the goal to finish drafting chapter three and my starting point was at 2690 words for the chapter. The session ended - chapter draft complete - at about 3358 words - not bad. Writing is thinking. You can't just squeeze 1000 words every session just like that. Often I find myself just thinking about what I'm writing and often that takes me back to more research. For example, today I probably spent most of the several hours dedicated to writing this book project by going back to earlier research - AND RE-READING AND RE-THINKING. That's the essence of writing. Thinking and then, thinking again. My head hurts but too bad. This is what it takes to produce a product that you can only hope anyone will want to read and - most importantly - get value out of. If the reader doesn't value what you provide, then the time and effort was wasted. So don't worry so much about your self-imposed deadlines and the misses that come with that - just focus on thinking and writing with your reader in mind at all times. No need to torture them if we can avoid it as authors.