Writing for LinkedIn

Writing for LinkedIn

Once again I’ve been asked to comment in 'Articles for Photography'.

Opening LinkedIn there’s a new weekly, sometimes daily, question.

When my work and study permits this, I take the time to answer that question.

But my remarks always come from my own experience or opinion, not through the suggestion to use AI.


Today I found the following remark on my account:


‘Erna, you’ve been selected to answer:

Photography ? 619,670 followers

Here's how you can stay ahead of the curve with the latest photography trends for career growth.


I instantly knew I wanted to react, because my way of photographing people or nature lies a distance from this question.

Long ago I made some choices for art. It had to be my theme, my way, my choice of technique.

And whenever I had an interview with clients, I showed them my portfolio for acceptance of my style. If not I referred them to my colleagues.

Back to the question of LinkedIn. My answer was too long and this time I found it difficult to remove words. Thus I placed my answer in an article of my own, combined with the short version in the Community Group.



Do you want to stay ahead of the curve with the latest photography trends for career growth or do you want to follow your own path in photography with your themes?

Following the money is not always the right way to become or stay happy!

A professional career in photography is based on inspiration and passion in combination with using camera techniques.

The choice to follow the latest photography trends can be a part of that, but it doesn’t have to. Long time ago during a huge assignment, I made the choice for natural light photography. Now there’s a trend to maximize pictures using AI (Artificial Intelligence), which mostly delivers an explosion of colors. Because my photography is mostly based on natural color and almost minimalized, I refuse to follow that trend.

Make up your mind!

What is your choice?

Namely, it’s also important to have your own signature!


And I kept my own signature!

Many of my works are spread worldwide.

But being asked to teach several years ago, I experienced the joy of educating my students, so that’s now my main career!



Photo: Gemeentehuis Capelle aan den IJssel, natural light, ? Erna Daalman, July 16th 2024.



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