Writing from the 8D Perspective: A Writer’s Journey
Photo Credit: Nancy Githumbi

Writing from the 8D Perspective: A Writer’s Journey

This is not where I was. When I look back, the perspective I see the world through has caused a profound change in who I am.

In our society, we live as one, but our perspectives are different, and how we see the world is different. So what causes this difference? The simple answer is that there are different dimensions in which we see the Earth. (CLICK HERE TO EXPLORE THE LIST OF ALL DIMENSIONS) From the lowest dimension to the highest, various aspects portray, and in my perspective, here is my view of the world. What is your perspective?

Personal Awakening Story

It all started with a walk in nature. Just by interacting with nature and healing my childhood traumas, the more I healed, the more the awakening process elevated. To be honest, there is no awakening until you reach that ultimate goal of fully healed, where now the focus goes to improving your current self and not healing your childhood traumas. They might not fail to scar, but surely they will not raise an alarm like they used to.

Photo Credit: Nancy Githumbi

Secondly is meditation. Deep meditation is a practice I have found ingrained in improving our mental state, and just like gyming for the physical body, deep meditation builds the mental muscles that can withstand almost anything. In addition to this, reading more about spirituality, personal development, and ancient wisdom texts such as the Sutras aided me in understanding more and increased my mental capacity for what was going on around me.

Thirdly, physical exercise. I learned that the body and the mind are connected, and together with the spirit, the three form your soul. So I stopped gyming just for weight loss?—?it became like yoga, where I just connected my body with my mind. The more I did it, the more willingness I attained.

Fourthly, spiritual growth. To be honest, this should have been the first thing I listed. Personal awakening can only happen if you are actually connected to the one that brought you here. The only way to connect to your true purpose is by identifying why you are here, and what better way than to ask the one who brought you? So in my personal awakening journey, fasting, praying, and reading the Bible became things I needed to do. At first, I did not want to, especially the fasting part, but the more I sought, the easier it became to handle.

So to sum up, the childhood traumas mean a healed subconscious mind, the meditation and reading mean mental growth, the physical exercise means physical strength, and the spiritual growth means connecting with your true purpose. With all this, your soul will be elevated, your consciousness will increase, and your purpose will be fulfilled.
This is not a one-day thing, nor a months-long thing. It might take years to eventually get it, but one thing is for sure?—?if you go seeking, it will definitely happen for?you.?

It took me five years of practice, five years of failing and picking myself up, but at the end of the day, I mastered the art. That is what is important.

How Higher Consciousness Affects?Writing

The higher my level of consciousness, the more I also seem to know.?

In the morning, when I wake up, it is like in my dreams I was reading something, for I will wake up knowing information I did not have. In trying to figure out how I know, I learned about the Akashic Records (CLICK HERE TO FURTHER EXPLORE ABOUT AKASHIC RECORDS). The higher your level of consciousness, the more you are able to access the Akashic Records. It is like the depths of the library are directly inclined to your state of consciousness. So, with the depths of the library, what I write about changes, for I have access to information most people do not.

So how can you access the Akashic Records with any level of consciousness??

To begin with, if the Akashic Records are not accessible just from sleep, you can use celestial bodies such as the moon, the sun, waters, and mountains. Because of the depth of their longevity in this world, having been here ever since, they have access to this information and can transfer it to you.

When can the sun or the moon share information with you? Not all hours are they accessible for the Akashic Records download. Mostly, you have to let them. For the sun, from my experience (I observed the sun?—?insert article), I learned it was stronger during sunrise and sunset. For the moon, I am just two months into observing the lunar phases. By the end of the year, I will write that article about what I have found, so stay tuned.

Practical Writing Techniques from Expanded Awareness

Awareness is also the state of knowing.?
With awareness, you cannot fail to?know.?

The way the universe is ingrained is that we are connected to the higher Ultimate Consciousness. From this higher consciousness, it knows it all?—?it is the beginning and the end, there is no in-between, it knows the past and the future. The more you are connected to this all-knowing, the more you know, for it is knowing. So, I found that the more I expanded my awareness, the more I developed the habit of gaining knowledge and understanding?—?to an extent, I would term it as wisdom.

Connecting with Readers on Multiple?Levels

Being in the 8D means I have been across all the other levels, and given my spirituality, complexities, and understanding, and the ability to alchemy in my cultural setup and the ability to communicate with the spiritual and the physical matter, I developed the understanding that no matter the increase in the level of consciousness, those that had lower levels of consciousness did not mean I was better than them. Rather, I needed to help them to where I was. And the ones above me, I needed to learn more from them.

For in the upgrading of the level of consciousness, there is no competition. We are all one, and we form the basis of the first law of the universe, which is the Law of Oneness.?

Thus, there is no “better than the other” when it comes to consciousness. All there is, is authenticity.?

Are you being true to yourself? Are you focusing on who you are, improving to attain the level where you are just you without outside forces interfering? Such as I explained in my sun article (CLICK HERE)— how to attain the state of stillness.

Photo Credit: Nancy Githumbi

Examples of Consciousness-Inspired Writing

The state of consciousness article (CLICK HERE)?—?where I woke up, and I knew I needed to let the world know what consciousness was about. I did not even know what I was going to write, but somehow, I wrote. Secondly is the Laws of the Universe, since when it comes to consciousness, it operates under certain laws.

In addition, the article about the relationship between the sun and masculinity?—?I learned that the sun was pure masculinity and that it can help balance the decline in masculinity in our contemporary society. Also, the sun can aid in fighting addiction, especially alcoholism, that is caused by hurt or decline in masculinity.

What is your perspective of the?world?

In which dimension do you see the world? And why do you see the world as you see it now? What caused that paradigm or perspective you have to be the case for you?

Disclaimer: This article is based on spiritual and metaphysical concepts. Readers are encouraged to approach the information with discernment and personal judgment.

About the Author: A researcher dedicated to making ancient wisdom accessible to modern audiences.

I talk about Personal Development and Business Development using Spiritual Principles

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