Writing fiction is murder...and so is watching or reading it...

Writing fiction is murder...and so is watching or reading it...

Of all the kinds of writing there are (and believe me, there are enough kinds to fill a world full of bookshops and libraries) my own personal favourite has, is, and always will be, crime fiction.?

There are probably a hundred very good reasons for that. Some too dark and murderous to go into here without a shrink on call.?

I think it stretches back to the detective movies I used to devour as a kid. Edward G…Humphry B…and a thousand other tough guys ready to fire the imagination of an easily impressed punk in short trousers with a snotty nose.?

An underdeveloped scribbler.?

A rebel without a clause.

I was never interested in movies where nothing dangerous ever happened.

I always wanted to see a dead body full of question marks.?

I’ve never been attracted to rom-coms or musicals or period dramas.?

Give me a good old detective tale any day (or night).?

Give me the Black Bird…or anything Bogie… or anything Marlow…or anything Sherlock…or The Big Sleep…or even the small one.?

Give me L.A. Confidential…or the hunt for the Zodiac Killer…or even Chinatown.

Give me a great private eye…or a thumping police procedural.?

Maybe that’s why, instead of looking for a good crime novel to curl up with, in the company of a large Southern Comfort, I eventually decided to quit writing advertising copy and take up writing crime novels.?

Maybe that’s why my debut crime novel is with my publisher as we speak.?

Maybe that’s why I like the idea of putting fictional killers behind bars…or in the ground…by the time the last page arrives. Full of bullet holes.?

Maybe that’s why, every time I read a really good murder mystery, I see dead people...?


You've just read an extract from my unfinished book of urban essays Ad Astra.

All my published books are available separately from those nice people at Amazon…right here.

(Urban Essays):

Ad Interruptus:?https://amzn.to/3AmkfjQ

Ad Infinitum:?https://amzn.to/3pof7Uq

Ad Lib: https://amzn.to/2kd4LKf.

Ad Hoc:?https://amzn.to/2Nx8GL8

(Urban Romance)

Love & Coffee:?https://amzn.to/28IWaHq

(Humorous Science Fantasy)

Heaven Help Us:?https://amzn.to/2nkQ1Jk

Or…you can pop along to my new website at brycemain.co.uk and have a sneaky peek at them all together in the one place.

And choose one for 2023...


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