Writing DMs That Turn Audiences Into Advocates
Direct messages are one of the most-used features on all of social media. On Instagram alone, users send over 400 million messages to businesses every day by replying to stories or inquiring about products and business opportunities.
Just a note: this blog will not be about the construction of chatbots or automation, but rather about why they’re so critical. To learn about building them, I’d suggest taking a look at a very helpful piece like this.
Obviously, unless you’ve got social media specialists to spare, you won’t be able to respond to every DM in a timely manner with the appropriate information. And I would argue that even if you could spare a person to man the DMs 24/7, it wouldn’t be the wisest use of time or money. Customers understand that most direct message responses are automated—the quality customer service part comes when you make your automation so robust and intuitive that human interaction isn’t missed.
Keep reading >>> bit.ly/45gh5dX