Writing Challenges

Writing Challenges

#Writing has never been easy. Every writer has faced one or the other challenge in their lifetime. And, here are some common ones: 

1.    Not being creative enough – I have been there when there was no urge to create anything (forget creativity). The system needs rest; the mind needs to relax. At such times, wait, give your mind the rest, meditate and bring the mind to a normal state, and then hit again. That works, every time.

2.    Not Having Enough confidence – I met a professional the other day, who told me not to use #Gerund in the sentences. As per him, it doesn’t exist, it is wrong, and it is not used in writing. I said WHAT? Have I been writing the wrong way all these years? Have I been creating content imperfectly? ‘GERUND in sentences is wrong?’ Then after a long discussion on what’s right and wrong, I just hushed myself.

People are going to say a lot of things – both good and bad, right and wrong, true and false – eventually it’s who you need to decide which side are you on. Don’t lose confidence, even if your boss pushes you to accept the wrong. The right has always been right, and it always will.

3.    Trouble Deciding Your ‘Best Price’ – Should I charge this client this much to keep him? Will he mind if I charge him more than this? How much should be asked for to make the clients?

Well, the answer is you need to invest in yourself to increase your value and market presence, before going out and accepting projects at a price that makes you happy.

So, when you face these challenges, #writers, don’t try to fix all of it at once. Overcome every challenge step by step, and you will win, eventually. 


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