Writing for blog and without marketing in mind? Reorganize, before it’s too late!
One of the things that once were very much loved about blogging that the rules were pretty loose. There were no definite rules to blogging. Just some basic guidelines were that most people would follow. Many blogs were written in a 'conversational' style, and they were tending to be a little less formal than an average article.
However, things considerably changed when business marketers trended to apply blogs as their marketing tools for growth-hacking. It was a major change in blogging trends, which evolved the entire content development approach, making blogs the voice of a business to its respected industry. Google was the main driving force behind this change, and will continue to be a trend-setter for future blogging trends as well.
Over the years, Google has shown its commitment to give more value to a website which populates its blog regularly with unique and fresh content. However, behavior of Google's algorithms has changed considerably over the last few years. Instead of connecting keywords with the content on a web page, now Google smartly aims at understanding what someone expects to discover with a word or phrase. This process is called artificial intelligence or AI, and is a reality for now. Future will bring new innovations in this same process of sorting and showing information with respect to search intent of a user.
Thinking from a strategic perspective, if now Google has this ability to deeply-understand what someone expects to find with a keyword search, then future will be deeply rooted in crawling and presenting the information contained on your web pages. That’s when Structured Markups would become the key link between targeted keywords vs. presented information on a web page. It is when integrating fact processing features would let your content get crawled better, and presence or absence of such features will make you win or lose the battle of search visibility.
You would always want to see your landing pages get ranked on top for related keywords, but the problem with landing pages is that they cannot be updated regularly. This is where blogs become vital in every carefully-organized web marketing strategy. While your landing pages are intended to provide the most complete information on why the customer should connect with you, the job of your blog posts is to influence the thought-making process of potential customer. That’s why the primary purpose of establishing a business blog will become enhancing customers’ journey, by anticipating and answering all questions that they may ask before connecting with a business like you are already running. Add value of social media assets to this equation, and many more dimensions open up with their own unique sets of challenges for you.
You cannot survive in this evolving world without developing some deeply-connected strategies. Whether you are satisfied or discontented with the strategical approach behind your blog, getting a second opinion can reduce your headaches in the future. After all, there is already no shortage of great articles on the web that give thorough direction for performing professional-level research on a topic. If you want to survive in future battles of search visibility, then only an aggressive strategy is going to make it for you.
Got questions or want a reevaluation of your blog, why not to connect with me?