Gerry R Pira, EdD
I could guide and support you to move on up faster in your career or business with the expertise I gained from many years of corporate work and managing own business.
There is a rich market for biography writing services. Successful business owners and professionals as well as politicians can recognize that a family biography can be a great blessing to the living family members and those who come after them.
To interested individuals, I can explain and demonstrate the effective techniques that my associates and I have been using to easily find clients on social media. We reach and engage prospects with interesting posts and articles. Our primary audience includes my network of over 20,000 friends and first-level connections on Facebook and LinkedIn.
We also reach many more prospects thru our other social media sites, such as Social Media Marketing Facebook Group (7,900 members), Online Business Opportunities Facebook Group (5,200 fans), and Academic Research & Writing LinkedIn Group (3,344 members)
For one to prosper in an online business, he simply has to apply the effective marketing strategies that my associates and use. I am also available for coaching, mentoring, and consulting on online business.
I started my multi-line online business in 2006 after I experienced working with, and learning from, a South Korean-American who had pioneered in online business, i.e., no physical office, no salaried employees, no official in-person meetings, etc. So far, the business has been flourishing, certainly, with God’s blessings.
Helping people to effectively use social media to boost the growth of a business - or start a new one with a small investment - is part of my multi-line online business. Aspiring writers and those wanting to write to get paid can enter, with my help, the lucrative business of writing personal, professional, and family biographies.
Do you want to boost your online business - or start another like biography writing - with more chances of success by using the advice and service of a veteran in the business? If yes, let’s chat about it.