Writing Assertions is as easy as asking a question

Writing Assertions is as easy as asking a question

Relicx simplifies the process of writing assertions. For example, consider the checkout page of the SwagLabs e-commerce app (https://www.saucedemo.com/v1/checkout-step-two.html). In this scenario, a user has added three items to their cart and needs to assert that the sum of the individual item prices equals the total item price.

SwagLabs Checkout page

Using a scripting tool like Cypress, the user can write a few lines of code (as shown below) to define this assertion.

describe('Cart Total Verification', () => {
  it('should verify that the sum of item prices equals the item total', () => {

    // Retrieve the prices of individual items
    let itemPrices = [];
    cy.get('#checkout_summary_container > div > div.cart_list > div:nth-child(3) > div.cart_item_label > div.inventory_item_price').each(($el) => {
      const priceText = $el.text().replace('$', '');
      const price = parseFloat(priceText);

    // Calculate the sum of item prices
    let sumOfPrices = 0;
    cy.wrap(itemPrices).each((price) => {
      sumOfPrices += price;

    // Retrieve the item total
    cy.get('#checkout_summary_container > div > div.summary_info > div.summary_subtotal_label').invoke('text').then((itemTotalText) => {
      const itemTotal = parseFloat(itemTotalText.replace('Item total: $', ''));

      // Assert the sum of prices equals the item total

In Relicx, this process is incredibly simple. You can just ask the Relicx Copilot to verify the question as follows:

  • "Can you confirm that the sum of the prices of the items in the cart is equal to the item total?"

That's it—no coding required. The Relicx Copilot automatically generates the code and verifies the total for you in just a few seconds. In the video below, you can see how the assertion is created and executed in Relicx.



