Writing in 2024
Me, levitating on the roads to Str?m?ya (Northern Norway)

Writing in 2024

So - I've decided I want to write more this year. Yes yes. Cliched as it can get. But hear me out.

Over the past year or two, I've somehow lost the occasional indulgence I used to dive headfirst into a few years back, pouring out my mind on digital paper every now and then. It was never often or regular enough to call it a habit, but it also wasn't non-existent enough to claim I barely write.

While I'd love to become a more regular writer - I'd be happy to revert to that occasional indulgence if nothing else.

I realised one of the things that's kept me (and still does) away from writing is the massive uptick in the clickbait-gyaan-influencer-personal branding-'content' stuff that people put out. Thing is - that kind of content has always existed and many many people have taken to it.

It's only recently (1-2 years) though, that a LOT of people I otherwise respect - have taken to this. And that's muddled with my mental models because there's clearly preconceived (?) notions about this, that I have. [To be clear - still love and respect most of my peeps playing and killing at the content game]. I'd go further to even say there's some deeper cognitive dissonance - cos there's a part of me that definitely would love to be that - (some of) the benefits are apparent enough.

I'm fairly sure there are many peers and friends who are or have been in similar buckets. I'd love for you to share your take, and how its evolved.

But I do know I used to get joy out of writing, it used to help clear my head and further my understanding of things simply by articulating whats in my head. It led to many an interesting conversation, and a new friendship every now and then.

So here's to coming back - literally and otherwise - to the joy I mentioned; to trying to write - navigating the dissonance and discomfort, and taking myself less seriously (as I do a lot of aforementioned 'content'). If you know me (or don't) and you've got suggestions on what you'd want to hear my thoughts and perspectives about - I'd love any suggestions that reduce my decision fatigue and friction as to 'what' to write about.

From what I can gauge - LinkedIn Posts / (or Articles?) and Twitter are the go to. Anyone think I should do it differently?

A few vocalisations, (mostly for myself - I am skeptical if anyone would care).

  • I'm going to unburden myself from ridiculous(?) expectations of always putting a ton of research / data / ... into everything I write. I will be wrong enough times in my perspectives - I would LOVE for you to tell me of data you know that helps me understand where and how I'm wrong.
  • I'm going to try and write about personal and life evolutions along with the more expected startuppy stuff. Its likely harder to open up on some of that - but I feel so much stronger to connect with people, and more universal.
  • I aim to write at least once a week. But I am in no way going to 'save up drafts' for later. At least not in the beginning.


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Amina M.

International Client Lead

10 个月

Here for it!

Anand Srivastava

Buying Small Businesses | Entrepreneur with experience in B2B Business Growth & Finance

10 个月

Would like to hear the nitty gritties of how to build professional relationships/ diverse networks, which you are great at Abhishek Agarwal


