Writers/ What steps can writers take on their own without an agent to submit their script to film, streaming and broadcast studios?
Sophie Marcelle, Film Producer
Script Development | Pitching Scripts To Studios / Streaming Co. | Adapt Script To Book
Who do I contact, what info is required to send them?
Must read Newsletter: Why are film & streaming studios showing a heightened interest in -multi-platform packages? How will this package help get my script produced?
How can writers that don’t have an agent submit a script to film & streaming companies?
Although there are still rules and guidelines to follow for submitting a script. Today's process is less restrictive and gives Independents a pathway to submit their scripts.
Getting Started: You and/or team member need permission to submit your script.
If unable to submit your script on your own, there are other options available.
Another option is to Adapt Your Script To A Book.
When asked to send over information about your project, companies want to see more than your script.
Some of the key factors to take into consideration when developing your Presentation for submitting to film, streaming, and broadcast companies.
Click here if assistance is needed and speak with our executive producer.
Next: Who do I contact and what information is required to submit my script to studios, streaming, and broadcast companies?
Polished Script: Major change to what industry executives want your script to reveal within the first 10 pages.
Why are the first 10 pages of your script critical to the review of your script being rejected or getting "Passed" on.
Sophie Marcelle, Producer, BSI Films & Media LLC
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