Update / How can writers without an agent submit a script to film & streaming studios? Who do I contact and what information is required to send them?
Update / How can writers without an agent submit a script to film & streaming studios? Who do I contact and what information is required to send them?

Update / How can writers without an agent submit a script to film & streaming studios? Who do I contact and what information is required to send them?

Some of the key factors to take into consideration when developing your Presentation for submitting to film, streaming, and broadcast companies.

  • To begin with, industry execs have lessened the requirements for who can submit scripts.
  • Writers can submit their script with or without having signed with an agent. *The process still requires qualifications that must be met.
  • Script Polish: How your script is written, should take into account having the first 10 pages grab and hold the attention of the audience it's targeted for.
  • Development Presentations (DP) should focus on how a script meets that's company's current creative, production and programming needs.
  • Talent: You don't need to have talent attached to your project or suggest talent for your characters in your Presentation.

See below for details.

Step1. Permission to submit your script: Film, Streaming, Cable, and Broadcast companies will accept projects from writers and producers without an agent.

  • Submitting a script on your own. If you or your lead executive has credits from a major studio, streaming, or broadcast company as a producer or writer... you can apply for permission to submit scripts.
  • ?If assistance is needed the following option is also available. In today's industry there are qualified executive producers that can assist you. You just need to decide who, you want to assist you.
  • If a person or company you choose can provide assistance, do your research. Using IMDB.com is a good source to confirm an executive's credits. Make sure their credits are from major film, cable, streaming, or broadcast companies.
  • Speak to our executive producer for more information
  • Please click here, if assistance is needed.

Some key factors to consider when creating your Development Presentation:

Step 2. When asked to send over information about your project, companies want to see more than your script.

  • A Development Presentation is required.
  • What should be included in a Development Presentation:

Click here to see what information needs to be included in your package.

Click here to view a sample video of a Development Package.

Click here to view a sample of a concept video.


What is a Development Presentation and how is it different from a pitch deck?

  • Your Development Presentation immediately identifies specifics about your project's ability to meet a company's content, production, and programming needs.
  • It also, allows Executives to determine if a script will continue to be reviewed or is "Passed" on.
  • Pitch Deck: Typically, is focused on creative information about their script, potential talent for lead characters, comparison to similar movies, etc.

Note: It does not matter what name you call the package you send them. What's most important, is that the information in your package reveals how your script meets their needs.

  • Click here, if assistance is needed.

3. Polished Script: In addition to making sure what is written matches your vision. It is also important that how your script is written meets current standards that executives will use to determine if it meets their needs.

Why and how the first 10 pages of your polished script are extremely important.

  • It's critical that the first 10 pages captures and holds their attention. This step in the process will determine if the review continues or if your project is "Passed" on.

Click here to review what needs to be revealed in the first 10 pages of your script.

Does "talent" need to be attached to my project?

  • No. All companies work with a lot of talent and if will adjust the budget to retain the talent they want added to the project.
  • Alternative to talent being attached. There are other options executives are open to considering in place of talent, i.e. concept videos, or trailers that provide a visual of your concept, book version of your script, pilots, etc.

Sample of a concept video.

Click here for more information and if assistance is needed.

Sophie Marcelle, Producer, BSI Films

#pitchingscripts #contentwriters #film #streaming#writing #writers #publishing #books #scriptwriting #adaptationofscripttobook #adaptation #marketingscript

Peter Nguyen

Writer, Video Game Player, Film Enthusiast, Reader of Books. I watch and play whatever I want.

9 个月

Wow, that’s a lot of information. Especially when you’re just starting out with little confidence.


Susan Flanagan, Emmy? Award Winning Writer, Exec. Prod.的更多文章

