Writer's Block - 6 Ways to Defeat A Writer's Worst Enemy

Writer's Block - 6 Ways to Defeat A Writer's Worst Enemy

The wastebasket is full of crumpled pieces of paper. It is already midnight! You weren't able to write a single copy for hours.

Every writer has experienced this feeling once in their writing career. You just don't get what you need from your piece. In a bit more technical terms, this phenomenon is known as writer's block.

Let's explore some common causes of this deadly situation and some tested ways to overcome it for good.

What is Writer's Block?

Writer's block is a phenomenon when the writer cannot produce an independent piece of writing and struggles with finding the right words. This condition also encompasses the fact that the writer's creative self slows down, and he/she cannot show the productivity he/she desires.

Common Causes of Writer's Block

Primarily let's make this clear that writer's block has nothing to do with the writer's skill to the right or a lack of ideas. It is a temporary condition that sprouts out due to certain elements. They are:

It's Not the Right Time

Sometimes it's simply not the right time to start with a new piece of work. If you are angry over something or are just not in the best state of mind, you should take a break. Please don't do injustice with your piece by forcing it during this time. Most of the time, you are just under the compulsion of writing and want to get things done. However, doing this speeds up your thinking process, and your ideas need more time to fall into place. Take your time, as writing is an art that requires an artist's masterstroke to it.

Being a Perfectionist

Our mind tricks us into thinking we could have done this better. In perfecting things to the optimum, we kill our creative ideas that are willing to flow out. We can perfect everything later. What matters is the penning down of thoughts and starting with your draft when you feel you are nailing it. Focusing on every nitty-gritty slows down the creative process.

Comparison with Others

In the race to get to the finish line first, we forget to tie our shoelaces and end up losing anyways. This happens with every writer. When you are researching articles and posts related to what you are supposed to write, you develop feelings of fear. You feel whether what you are writing is up to the mark or not.

6 Ways to Overcome Writer's Block

Take a Break

This seems the most repeated solution for most things we do in this world. Surprisingly it does work. Decluttering your mind and getting fresh air get you in the zone where your creative self rejuvenates. Go out for a walk and enjoy nature. Forget about writing and work for some time and enjoy what you deserve. Taking a quality break will help you overcome the lack of creativity and productivity.

Read a Book

Reading helps you relax and contributes to a ton of exciting writing ideas. Read what you love. Maybe it is a novel or a documented post. Reading will help you get on the other side of the table by being a reader and knowing what a writer does to make you feel engaged.

Play a Game

According to a solid study by The Game Hers, video games can help with problem-solving and stimulate the creative self of a person. The primary aspect of writer's block is a lack of creativity. You may play a video game to instill this element into you and get started with your piece with a bang.

Brainstorm Ideas

Before you pick a pen and start the piece formally, please try to jot down some ideas about what you are about to write. You can brainstorm ideas on a piece of paper to know what aspects of the topic you'd like to target. This will help you overcome the uncertainty of what you should write and result in much more organized writing.

Do Freewriting

Freewriting is just picking up a pen and writing whatever your mind throws at you. Write about your morning or experience at the shopping mall yesterday. Literally, anything you like. Freewriting untangles the knots of your restricted creative self and creates a flow of awesome ideas back into your mind.

Have Fun

Spend time with someone who makes you feel good. Go out for dinner. Listen to some music. Have a cup of coffee. The list goes on...

Just have some fun and avoid being a robot that is supposed to write 1000 words daily. It would be best if you had deadlines but be sure to enjoy yourself while at it. This will increase your capacity for creative thinking and writing.

Last Thoughts and Recommendations

Writer's block is just like a passing cloud. Don't let it get to your head. Believe in yourself and always know that you are capable of accomplishing wonders. All you need is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, which will kick your creative self back into you.


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