Writer's block 2
Some of my habits may explain why I never suffer from writer’s block. Maybe they will help you too.
First, I never bite more than I can chew. Writing is not a challenge for me. It is more of a fun to me than anything else. I love to write about things I can grasp in my brain and play with.
Two, wherever I am [inside home I mean] I have always access to a pen and notebook/diary. Because there are times when you can’t open your computer, phone and jot down a few lines that popped up in your head, but you can always grab a pen and jot them down.
Three, I have always been a dreamer, ever since my earliest days I remember, back when I had no plans of becoming a writer or anything of this type, I read a book and went on my own journey on the wings of that book, same thing applied about movies and music. So, these days my brain is always churning with ideas of next piece. So much that I end up losing them.
Four, imagine, when you are watching a painting feel it, get inside it and then I am sure you too will pen down a poem or write down a short story! This is one of my favorite games. I just browse through photos, paintings and allow them to stimulate me. Those who say a picture says a lot are absolutely true! They always speak to me!
Five, let them get you- what bewitches you- the world of common man, ghosts, aliens or nature? Whatever it is play with it and write about it. Let it captivate you and make you write. Say, suppose you love to write about average men, people of everyday life, read about them in newspapers or blogs, and then turn them into your characters!
Hope one or more of these ideas will help you like they always do me!
Part 1 is here: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/beat-writers-block-sharmishtha-basu/
Sharmishtha Basu