The Writer Returns.
Hey #LIFriends -- I'm remarkably ecstatic to announce that starting this Wednesday, November 16th, I will debut a brand new weekly blog! Right here, on LinkedIn.
The series will be called One-Third's Century: What I've Learned so Far.
The format will be a medium-long form, 1st person perspective on what a *wildly* wide cross-section of professional life experiences has taught me. I'll publish it directly to you, the people, every Wednesday for the foreseeable future (10+ weeks min).
I'm doing this for a multitude of reasons—many of which will become more evident as it establishes + evolves.
Disclaimer: If you know me on any kind of personal level (and/or if we've worked together) you can rest a little easier knowing that this will not be a "messy", socialite-style weekly exercise; I'm in no way inclined to spill secrets.
Here's the schedule:
Nov. 16 - #1: Sabbatical Sunset/ Retired Salesman
Nov. 23 - #2: Ohio Leaves + Caretaking
Nov. 30 - #3: Cain, Abel + Sales Cliques
Dec. 7 - #4: Gen. Wars
Dec. 14 - #5: "Odysseus I"
Dec. 21 - #6: "Odysseus II"
Dec. 28 - #7:
Jan. 4 - #8:
Jan. 11 - #9:
Jan. 18 - #10: