Write your own story, your own way

Write your own story, your own way

There is an association of copy editors in South Africa which I am a member of. And there are often many requests of people wanting to team up with a "ghostwriter" to write their books.

Someone even submitted: "My editor said I know what to say but I need help with how to say it. So, I need a ghostwriter."

NO! You don't need a ghostwriter. You need the skills; the "know-how". Get the skills to write your own story.

I don't know about other editors, and I might get flak from some for saying this. But I'll explain why I personally have issues with editing people's books who have no writing experience:

1) I end up re-writing such big chunks of copy and making so many changes. As a result, your voice evaporates and slowly disappears. Which I don't want.

2) They are always in such a rush to get the book edited as if it's now an emergency. Did they not know of the publisher's deadline all along? Quality delivery takes some time, darling.

If you wanna tell your story through writing, my advice will always be DO IT YOURSELF. Do it in your MOTHER TONGUE even if sejatlhapi se a pala. O patelediwa ke mang go kwala ka sekgowa?

I always advise first-time writers: DO A WRITING COURSE!

Writing your book yourself will be so healing and fulfilling as you revisit those moments and reach depths within yourself that only YOU know and only YOU can reach.

Directing one to a course is not to belittle one. Do you know how many writing and editing courses professionals take during the courses of their careers?

Just invest in a little course, cut out the middleman and save yourself some moola. Get the tools and the skills to tell your story in your own way, in your own language even. Why not? You see? You win!

If you'd like to engage, or if you'd like to see what we do at Lefoko Media and Communication, visit www.lefoko.co.za

Wendy Mahlatsi

Communications Specialist

4 年

I must admit. I personally set an unrealistic time frame for myself. They more I thought about it the less I wrote. Then I realised go nyakega nako! Thank you Refilwe!



