Write to your MP about PSC vilification (IR35 and Coronavirus-support)
Robin Davis
? Game-Changing ? AI ? Advisory ? Strategy | ??Foundations First ??| ? Unlocking Potential & Impact in Leadership, AI, Governance, and Frameworks ? | ?? Integrating People before Technology & Process??
The following is the main body of an email that I have sent to my MP, who supports our cause against IR35. It is "the main body" because I obviously open and close accordingly from my previous correspondences with my MP.
Feel free to reference or use this content to lobby your own MPs.
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The IR35 reforms, indeed, have been delayed for a year until April 2021; however, Jesse Norman MP did say in the HoC on 27/04 at 17:12:14 during the Finance Bill 2nd Reading that:
“However, he [the Chancellor] was clear the government remains fully committed to introducing these reforms to ensure that people working like employees but through their own limited companies pay broadly the same tax as individuals who are employed directly. This has not changed, and the government will introduce an amendment to the bill in due course to legislate for a new commencement date of 06/04/2021. The government will use this additional time to commission further external research into the long term effects of the reforms in the public sector, with the intention that that research will be available before the reforms come into effect in the private sector in April 2021."
The government therefore effectively dismissed in entirety, on the same day, the House of Lords Economic Affairs Finance Bill Sub-Committee's report (except the public sector review) that was also issued on 27/04, with its summary of:
“It should now use this extra time to completely rethink this legislation.
The Government has not sufficiently analysed the unintended behavioural consequences of the proposed reforms. Contractors are already being laid off, despite the reforms' delay. Many witnesses told the Committee that the rules have made them "zero-rights employees” with none of the rights of being an employee, or the tax advantages of being self-employed.
The Committee therefore calls on the Government to keep its promise on implementing the recommendations of the Taylor Review: that the taxation of labour should be made more consistent across different forms of employment, and that there should be a fair balance between tax, rights and risk.”
We, therefore, need to keep up the pressure to prevent this IR35 amendment being passed into legislation.
Indeed, for IR35 to be cancelled for the public sector and even scrapped in its entirety.
With IR35, Coronavirus and Brexit, the UK needs its flexible workforce more than ever before.
I would, therefore, like to encourage you to influence and encourage all your peer MPs and those cross-party who also support our cause to:
- Review in its entirety the full 67-page Lords Economic Affairs Finance Bill Sub-Committee's report, which is damning on the inconsistencies and unfairness of “the flawed IR35 framework".
- Ensure that the “further external research into the long term effects of the reforms in the public sector" is fully independently chaired and operated, with its report issued independently of government meddling and editing.
- Review the 11-page MP Factsheet, compiled by ContractorCalculator, based on and summarising the above and further evidence, into sections of: ? What are the Off-Payroll rules and what is their purpose according to HMRC? ? What does an extension of the Off-Payroll rules mean for the private sector? ? How has HMRC misrepresented the Off-Payroll rules? ? What can we learn from the public sector reform? I.e. Facts vs. HMRC claims. ? What has already happened in the private sector?
We also need HMG to do more to support PSCs during the Coronavirus crisis, especially consistently as HMG are playing favourites and double-standards with their own PSC workforce.
With the government’s continued vilification and war against PSC contractors, during the Coronavirus crisis, to:
- Challenge the government on its double-standards during Coronavirus (based on this Cabinet Office briefing) “designed to protect the [public sector’s] contingent labour supply chains” by paying its own PSC Contingent Workers 80% of their gross day rate. I.e. taking the 80% of the day rate, in contravention of SEISS for which PSC’s are ineligible, and in contravention of the CJRS Retention Scheme, which is based on salary alone, not dividends and not day rate.
- Work with IPSE who are working with/lobbying the Treasury to have PSC dividends included in the CJRS Retention Scheme payments, which should be relatively simple to correlate between Corporation Tax returns for PSCs and the PSC Director’s own dividend submissions as part of Self-Assessment returns.
- Recommend that Corporation Tax for PSCs and Small Businesses be able to be deferred for 12 months or so.
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????Many thanks to each of these organisations for their continued campaigning, reporting and collating of surveys, figures and evidence for the above. Please provide a regular contribution, or sign up as a member, or just support as relevant:
- ?? #ContractorCalculator - https://stoptheoffpayrolltax.co.uk/contribute/
- ?? #SEAlliance - https://sealliance.org.uk/member-benefits/
- ?? #IPSE - https://www.ipse.co.uk/
- ?? #ContractorUK - https://www.contractoruk.com/
- ?? #inniAccounts - https://www.offpayroll.org.uk/about
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