Write your code, do your job, focus on the details, predict?problems
You’re only as good as the code you create #HoskCodeWisdom
It’s easy to get distracted by the noise of work but it puts more pressure on yourself and your team. If everyone focused on their role and responsibilities, doing their tasks to the best of their abilities we get more done and it will be to a higher quality.
People get distracted by
- The internet
- People
- Are other people doing their job properly
- Helping other people do their job
- The quality of the whole code base
- New tools, new features, new services, new everything
- New JavaScript languages
- Is the project going to fail
- What is the customer doing?
- What’s for lunch
There will be noise, distractions and under performing people but don’t add to those problems by letting them distract you. When you become distracted, you are lowering the quality of your work by diverting time, effort and thought to something else or someone else.
Write your code
Do your job first, do it a high standard, work consistently, finish. Focus on the details and uncover potential problems. It’s in the details where the assumptions, logic error, design flaws you don’t see until you drill down into the task at hand.
If everyone did their job and stopped worrying or helping other people do their jobs, process will work with greater efficiency.
Start by doing your job to the best of your abilities, write the best code you can, so no one else has to worry.
People who make an impact at work are not just the leaders at the front but the people in the engine room, contributing code, delivering functionality in a dependable way, they are the people who reduce the noise and get it done.
What is development?
Writing good code requires solid fundamentals, working hard and focusing on the task.If each developer does this then the project progresses well and confidence builds within the team and with the customer.
Coding isn’t about flashes of brilliance, innovative designs, hero’s saving the day, it’s about team work, graft and grit. Turning up every day and working towards the goal, one line at a time. Wearing problems and requirements down with persistence.
Development is everyone doing the basics and pulling in the same the direction, people who get distracted and head off in another directions, pulls the project in the wrong way and slows everyone down.Get your work done and don’t add to the distractions
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