Write Your Book in Under 30 Days: Publication Schedule on Days 6 to 10
Jason Schenker
Futurist | Economist | 1,200x Keynote Speaker | 36x Author | 15x Bestseller | 27x #1 Bloomberg Forecaster | 1.3 Million Online Learners | Forbes Contributor | Board Advisor
Keeping to a Schedule — Days 6 to 10
For those of you following along with me as I write a book in under 30 days this month, I wanted to share the schedule for days 6 to 10. This is the part of the schedule that you'll start tomorrow.
Just like the previous schedules, the action items you will need to implement as you go through the process of writing a book will be broken out into four categories:
Administration, Team, Format, and Content.
The more your plan out the topics of your book and its structure, the easier it will be to write. The best news it that you don't need to hire an expensive company to help you write your book.
Write the Future Course is Online Now
If you should feel you need more information and guidance on writing your book, I am excited to announce that The Futurist Institute has released a course titled Write the Future to help leaders write their books about the future to share their vision and build their brand.
Days 6 to 10: Administration
This should be a quiet time, as you should have laid out all your tasks in Days 2 to 5, as noted in my last article here -
Days 6 to 10: Team
You will likely be iterating with your cover designer on back cover text and imagery. Of course, you might be going back and forth with your project manager as well — if you have one.
Days 6 to 10: Format
You should be monitoring the consistency of placement, line spacing, format, and size of the text you write.
This includes the alignment and the positioning of graphics on various pages.
There will be a big quality check at the end on day 20, before you send your book to be copy edited.
But you should be checking it in the Publisher document as you go.
Days 6 to 10: Content
You should be filling in the “meaty middle” of your book. By day 10, you should have one of the three middle sections completed. And you should have parts of the other two sections outlined — or at least roughly sketched out with some notes, images, or other ideas.
Also, be sure to complete the outline and put it in the book, along with other publication information.
Write the Future — Previous Articles
In case you are writing along this month with me, here are the articles I've shared so far to help you write your book in under 30 days:
- Writing Schedule on Day 1 — https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/how-write-your-book-under-30-days-writing-schedule-day-jason-schenker/
- Publication Schedule on Days 2 to 5 — https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/write-your-book-under-30-days-publication-schedule-2-5-jason-schenker/
- Identifying Your Audience — https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/write-your-book-under-30-days-identifying-audience-jason-schenker/
- The Audience of One — https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/write-your-book-under-30-days-audience-one-jason-schenker/
- The Secret Formula — https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/how-write-your-book-under-30-days-secret-formula-jason-schenker/
- Picking a Book Cover and Title — https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/write-your-book-under-30-days-picking-cover-title-jason-schenker/
- How Can a 30 Day Book Not be Junk? — https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/write-your-book-under-30-days-how-can-day-junk-jason-schenker/
- Building a Team with a Hype Man — https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/write-your-book-under-30-days-building-team-hype-man-jason-schenker/
- Outlining Your Book — https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/write-your-book-under-30-days-outlining-jason-schenker/
- A Sample Book Outline — https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/write-your-book-under-30-days-sample-outline-jason-schenker/
Write the Future
This article draws on content from Jason Schenker's book Write the Future, which was released on 24 June 2020.
Write the Future is online here: www.WriteTheFutureBook.com
Jason Schenker is one of the world's leading futurists. He is the Chairman of The Futurist Institute and the President of Prestige Economics.
He is also an instructor for LinkedIn Learning.
Tags: #Disruption, #Technology, #Innovation, #Business, #Finance, #Strategy, #Career, #Economy, #Economics, #LinkedInLearning, #Coronavirus, #COVID19, #Leadership, #Future, #Futurist, #BecomeAFuturist, #ContentMarketing, #Management
Image sources: Adobe Stock