~Write On! ~ Southold's Colonial Village ~ on Boisseau Avenue off the Main Road ~
Colonial Village was built in 1967. Colonial Village at Southold is a cooperative apartment community for residents over the age of 55 with easy walking distance to shopping, bay beaches, and public transportation.?
????September 19, 1968 Long Island Traveler Mattituck Watchman:?
Daniel T. Smith was the contractor-builder of Colonial Village. He discussed about the complex project at a Southold Rotary Club meeting at Mitchell’s Restaurant on Tuesday, September 10, 1968. At that time, 37 apartment units had been realized and “two more buildings were to be completed at a later date.”?
????All utilities are underground and an underground irrigation with its own timing device is one of its features.?
????“Each building in Colonial Village has its own heating and hot water system with individual thermostat controls in each apartment. The total investment in Colonial Village to this point is approximately half a million dollars.”?
???On pages 17 and 18 in Dickerson & Dickinson descendants of Philemon Dickerson of Southold, Long Island, N.Y. Also Long Island descendants of CAPTAIN JOHN DICKINSON of Oyster Bay by Wesley L. Baker book, it reads, and I quote: “Southold continues to be, as it has been for hundreds of years, a beautiful New England type village. Exemplifying its proud heritage is the Colonial Village Apartments, a garden type development with eight wings, each given the name of an original settler. Apparently, one is called ‘The Philemon Dickerson House.’” Another Colonial Village apartment building is named The Henry Tuthill House.