Write Read Feel Do
Kevin Fream
America's Cyberist Helping Financial & Professional Services Avoid Loss, Improve Business, and Eliminate Doubt
T - Minus 328 Days
Today I'll go to the first in-person event of the year and put on the last suit I'll ever wear, just like Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith in Men In Black ;)
Except mine is silver with a bright purple tie in honor of my father and my ancestors, dating back to the Knights Templar.
The competition will show up in business casual or maybe an open collar shirt and sports coat like they are going to the bar to pick up chicks.
There will be approximately 20 prospects, meaning likely 2 that will be a good immediate fit.
It's doubtful any serious contenders will be there and if they are, it will be game time to present a better story, offer, and results - right in front of their face.
When you regularly read what you write down you know the reality of "are you committed?"
That feeling, just like what you imagine at the end of a goal is fleeting, because you'll realize you want another goal to write down and then start doing.
Daily Mission:?Write down a win you will make happen and read it to yourself at the end of the day.
For more thought leadership, follow?Kevin Fream.