“Write Me-In” for Mayor Tuesday, March, 16th!

“Write Me-In” for Mayor Tuesday, March, 16th!

Peace Family!

I would love to share with you my spirit and some of my robust plan towards stabilizing, restoring and enhancing Hempstead!

This is content from comments I made on others’ post on social media.

I would love to take these neglected and abandoned buildings and develop them through our OWN credit union, tied into our own crypto currency, backed by gold and measured by community bonds, utilities and productivity potential. We must build a HUB convention Center, restoration center and cultural base that can START with 3 factories in my seeding plan:

1. CNC machinery that produce tooled and milled items. 2. 3-D printers that produce whatever creative and utility items we train our youth and talented people to create. 3. A factory that produce essentials, like paper towels, toilet tissue, toothpaste, soap and many other toiletries. 

We must tap into what we possess already. We have a rich African, Native Indigenous and Southern Black culture that need to be developed and infused into our way of life and showcased for attraction. We have a track record in Harlem, that unfortunate have been gentrified by the same forces aiming at Hempstead.

Create micro-gardens and hoop houses to fill a state of the art vending/farmers market. 

The convention center will be the essence of a Black Mecca we can call on our nation's great minds and industrious to formulate a template we can apply nationwide once we successful in Hempstead. 

These broken weak-willed, fear filled, sell outs in office don't have the vision, back bone, nor love for our People to accomplish what need for us. They hate themselves. They are slaves and can ONLY produce more slaves. We keep losing because we trust our enemy and traitors amongst us. Why they spit us out of the public school system a confused, selfish and child like mind that resist doing something for ourselves. They actually brag about and expect accolades for miseducating our People.

These oligarch planners and their developers have NO good intent for us. Their plan is to further displace Black Hempstead through gentrification! We have been removed by the thousands the last 20 years. They have been executing this plan for 100 years across America and now they have Black faces selling the idea for small promises! 

There is much more planned once we end these blood sucking PILOTS/Tax Breaks and compensate homeowners through a $300 Million refund the Town, County and State owes us.

We must restructure this failed policing that treats our pain and suffering under White Supremacy with a militant force. It’s literally illegal to be Black. We will treat our pain with reconciliation, a brit force of cultural healers, mental health counselors, motivation coaches and institutionalize extended families and clans.

This will immediately kill the ridiculous $4 Million in overtime police have concocted into their routine, so much a Hempstead Officer sued Hempstead to keep milking tax payers for overtime. If a Village employee can’t fulfill their duties in 8 hours, we must replace them with an efficient employee.

That’s 90 Village jobs we will create @ $50K a year.

$900K in holiday pay need to be restructured and ceremonies that aren’t tied into restoration plan must be held off until we have a victory to celebrate.

The $20 million a year we are being robbed of by undeserving apartment/supermarket owners through PILOTS/Tax Breaks will give homeowners a tax reduction and finance development of ventures that create ownership, increase community value and generational wealth.

Meanwhile pothole laden streets look like a war zone, destroying our cars and burdening us with costly car repairs, more money we can’t invest back into the community.

We have to restructure the relationship between the Village and Education. It is a failed system that only produce laborers and brain drainers that possess no nationalism for our community, why we are in a colony like state.

We have to be the vanguard of invention and resourcefulness and build a militant unit to defend it. 

We can build only on what we are willing to take.

We will do it.

Write Me In Tuesday March 16th as Mayor and I will immediately implement this plan and initiate entire Sunday large forum counsels and meetings in areas like Kennedy Park to address our issues with full transparency.


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