Write like an Amazonian
Hard to argue there’s a better way to communicate complex ideas in a structured and simple way than written text. Some even argue that storytelling is one of the most underrated yet important skills you can learn.
For the author, writing is the best way to crystalize thoughts, foster critical thinking and reinforce learning. If you can articulate your thoughts in simple long for text format, you’ve truly understood the topic.
Yet, as valuable as this skill is for most aspects of life, business and startup building, many of us struggle with it. It’s incredibly hard to capture complex ideas in a few simple sentences.
A company that has a very strong writing culture is Amazon (as we all know). In their book Working Backwards, longtime execs Bill Carr and Colin Bryar explain the writing culture, including why memos are better than PowerPoint:
With it, their writing and narrative focus achieves three things:
Below is are a few simple yet impactful tips re how to write at Amazon that have gone viral on the internet.
The next time you write something, go through these after you’re done, apply the points below and see how much better and clearer your output is.
Until next week and happy writing,