Write Every Day

Write Every Day

                If you are a writer, just write every day. It is immaterial whether you are a published writer or not. It is equally irrelevant whether your writing has attained a high standard or it is far below lacking in quality. What matters is you are a writer and you should write every day on your way of becoming an acclaimed writer.Almost every eminent writer used to write every day.

                If you write every day, you are keeping your writing flame alive in you, besides helping you to fine tune your writing and improve upon its quality gradually but steadily. Writing regularly increases your confidence as a writer by leaps and bounds and be in the hunt as a writer.

                On writing every day, it becomes your habit. In turn this writing habit makes you to rack up your brain on each and every day as to what to write. In fact, the habit of writing every day is forcing you to become a complete writer thereby making an attempt to try all forms and genres of writing. Don't forget that writing is in a way, a lonely profession and so you are your own boss as well as you are your own servant. So you are your only inspiration and your will power alone will act as a catalyst stimulating you to write every day.

                If you have mastered the habit of writing every day, it raises you on the intellectual plane. It turns you into a thinking writer in your chosen genre of writing, whether it be creative or non-creative. Writing every day also drives you to become a voracious reader of your chosen genre.

                If you write every day, it gradually increases your speed in writing, sharpen its quality and above all it also increases the volume or quantity of your writing. For example, as a novice, you were writing just 250 or 300 words, a day, two years ago. Now, by writing every day, you are able to write 750 or 1000 or 1500 words a day.

                Your persistence on writing, I mean by writing regularly over a period of time, say, one or two years or even five years, you gain the requisite confidence and maturity of a full-fledged writer. Your expedition towards publishing your writing begins right in earnest. When you learn the nuances of writing, you knock at the doors of publishers with your query letters. You intensify your learning process, by researching the various avenues for writing for getting published, unmindful of the merciless rejections from the unfriendly publishers.

                When the publishers reject your writings, just take them on your stride. You should not get dejected by those rejections. After all failures are the stepping stones for your success. You should learn to take the rejections of your writings positively. Perhaps, your writings are yet to attain the standard or quality required for publication. Perhaps, your writings are not trendy, but, outdated or premature. In fact, your actual tussle with the publishers, in getting your writings published, play a crucial role in your writing career, in molding you as a published writer. There are writers who get self published their writings to launch their writing career. They too come across a number of problems, in getting their writings sold. In other words, whether you get your writings published through a publisher or through self-publishing, you should be prepared to face your problems boldly as a true champion of writing.

                On your writing career, when you begin the journey for getting published, you become thick skinned and get inured with the rejections of your writings by the publishers, as if they are the part of your writing career. You know pretty well that all the eminent writers,  whether it was Stephen King or J.K.Rowling, they were actually crossing these ordeals of rejections, before getting their writings published successfully.

                The day on which you begin to write every day is the day on which you begin to practice to run a marathon race. To complete the race, you must practice hard regularly and increase your stamina by taking more nourishment. The day on which you successfully complete the marathon race, you become a successful runner. However, in the process, there is every chance that you may falter, lose your stamina and you may even give up the race altogether. Similarly, to become a successful writer, you begin to write every day, improve the quality of your writing and enrich yourself with knowledge through voracious reading. The rejections of your submissions by the publishers are akin to your falters, if any, as a runner of marathon race. When your writing is published, it means that you have become a professional writer, just like when a person becomes a professional runner on sucessfully completing a marathon race.

                Therefore, if a writer is in you, write every day; equip yourself with the abundant knowledge requisite for a writer; improve the quality and quantity of your writing and be prepared to undergo the ordeals of rejections, before getting published, and, to become a successful writer. 


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Dianne Minarovich Couris

-Blogger, Virtual Training & Development Resource, Parenting Coach & Behavior Consultant. Parent of two teenagers!!

8 年

Creating this habit is easier said than done. Thanks for sharing

Taran Rampersad

Great Past, Great Future.

8 年

A good reminder. And something I write now and then when I have writer's block. ;-)


Wise advice, for all levels and types of writers. Thank you, Rama lingam.

Chris Barton

Actively Semi-Retired

8 年

Great advice.

Practice makes perfect :-)


