Constraint #26
write a constraint to generate a unique no. ,and the size of the array is 10
"Formulate a constraint to generate a unique set of numbers within an array of size 10. To address this constraint, let's break it down into two key elements:
class sample;
rand bit [3:0] array1[];
constraint array_c {
array1.size() == 10;
unique { array1 };
module top;
sample s = new();
initial begin
repeat (5) begin
$display("s=%p", s);
This code ensures that the array 'array1' has a fixed size of 10 and that all its elements are unique. The 'unique' keyword enforces the uniqueness constraint, providing a systematic way to generate distinct values within the array."
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Program Decoding
This SystemVerilog program defines a class sample and a top-level module top. The class sample has a random array named array1 of 4-bit elements. The constraints within the class ensure that the size of array1 is fixed at 10, and all elements in the array are unique.
The top module creates an instance s of the sample class and attempts to randomize it in a loop executed five times. After each randomization attempt, the program displays the values of the s object using the $display statement.
Let's break down the key elements:
In summary, this program aims to generate instances of the sample class (s) with a unique array of size 10. The loop attempts randomization five times, and the results are displayed. The constraints within the class ensure that the generated arrays meet the specified criteria.