Write The Change You Wish to See in The World—on the Pages of a Book
Elizabeth Ann Atkins
Do you want to boost your branding, influence and income by publishing an Amazon bestselling book on a global platform? Learn our secret success formula and write it FAST in our private and group book coaching programs.
By Elizabeth Ann Atkins, CEO, Two Sisters Writing & Publishing
For years, spiritual teachers have been saying that the Great Awakening is coming.
That the old, broken systems will be dismantled… and a new world will emerge.
Now it’s happening.
And it’s time for you to write about your experience during these unprecedented shifts.
Write your vision to share your ideas on how to create a world where the Pledge of Allegiance’s promise of “liberty and justice” applies to all Americans and people around the world.
Compose your ideas to create blueprints for how to rebuild bigger and better systems for education, health care, government, personal codes of conduct, social interaction, the economy, relationships, and every other aspect of life that the coronavirus pandemic and the Black Lives Matter Movement have illuminated in our world.
So seize the power of your pen to “be the change you wish to see in the world,” as Mahatma Gandhi said.
I want to help you do that!
As CEO of Two Sisters Writing & Publishing, I can help you #writethechange in many ways.
First, please learn more about our #WriteTheChange mission by joining my free webinar at 2 p.m. Eastern on Thursday, June 18, 2020 on Zoom.
I'll talk about how you have the power to make a positive difference in the world when you write and publish a book that presents new ideas and strategies for change.
"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are," former President Theodore Roosevelt once said.
That's true for you, now. Whatever experience and expertise you have, is where you can make an impact. Start there, and amplify your messages in a book. Perhaps you're a nurse and the coronavirus pandemic has shown you a better path for health care to follow. Maybe you're a mom to discovered a unique way to teach children about equality and justice for all. And if you're someone who simply has a vision and wants to share it... we need to hear from YOU!
And if the idea of writing a book scares you, I'm here to help guide you to transform your idea into a published book. Here are three ways:
The Two Sisters Writing & Publishing Book Coaching Experience. You'll learn everything you need to know to write and publish your book during this six-month program that begins on July 15, 2020. You'll get the mindset, motivation, and mechanics of writing, publishing, and marketing your book. You can work with me from your device via live Zoom calls from anywhere in the world. You can also work one-on-one with me for as many one-hour sessions as you need, for as long as you need, with Private Book Coaching.
Book Writing Workshops. In July, I’m teaching a three-part series workshops at The Detroit Writing Room about How to Write Your Book. These live, virtual events will cover the mindset, mechanics, and motivation to write and publish your book.
As a Ghostwriter. I can write our book for you, as I’ve done for physicians, surgeons, a former big-city mayor, a former American Red Cross president, a former Army Ranger who gives inspirational speeches on stages across America, female executives, and many others. Please email me and let's talk about how I can help you.
As a Publisher. Two Sisters Writing & Publishing has been "writing the change" since 2016 when I went into business with my sister, Catherine M. Greenspan. We've since ghostwritten and published 24 books.
As the daughters of a white man who was English, French, and Native American, and a black woman who was also Italian, we embody the change. After defying the racial and religious conventions of the 1960s, our parents bravely blazed a new trail against the odds, teaching us that every human deserves harmony, justice, equality, and peace.
This mission inspired us to create our company that writes and publishes books that showcase diverse voices with powerful messages that provide blueprints for a better way to live and love.
Now we want to help you bring your ideas up and out of your heart and soul, onto the pages of your book, and into the the world.
We want to help you write the change you envision for a better America and people around the planet.If you want to write your book yourself, our company can publish your book on a global platform that includes amazon and Barnes & Noble. Our one-stop-shop can provide all the services you need to launch a beautiful book that makes a positive impact on the world.
As Host of The Two Sisters Writing Club. Join us three times each week for a virtual co-working experience where you commit to the time and space on your schedule to actually do the writing. This provides accountability as well as a chance to chat with other writers and ask me questions about the writing and publishing process.
As a Guide for Journaling. If the global demonstrations for racial equality and justice are inspiring self-reflection, you can benefit from taking the 28-Day PowerJournal Challenge. This is a workbook that we created based on my discovery that meditation coupled with journaling can provide tremendous, mind-shifting revelations that enable you to reveal things about yourself, heal, and create a more fulfilling, enjoyable, and impactful life.
Now is the time to #WriteTheChange you wish to see in the world. Please allow me to share my experience and expertise of writing 33 books—with five more currently in progress!
Writing a book is hard. Overwhelming. Confusing. So don't try to do it alone. Teamwork makes the dream work. In this case, the dream is a world that guarantees equality, justice, peace, love, health, and wealth for all. Let's write about it and make it happen!