Negativity seems to have swept the land
Perpetual deaths and loss families are sad
The more negative and traumatizing the news?
The more airtime it gets
What’s the point or the end goal?
Behind this entire mess?
How do you keep focused and remain positive
When every thing seems to be after your internal peace?
It’s a battle of the mind, amen
It’s a massive clash of wills
Who’ll be victorious you or them?
Maintain your joy, hold on to your peace
Seek support from others
Read books that go deep
Feed your soul, your heart and your faith
God will help you it’s never too late
Spend time in nature do what brings you joy
It may never seem like it’ll end
But it has to my friend so don’t give up
Nothing lasts forever everything is temporary
Sadly, even happiness is momentary
Go find your peace and maintain it that’s what matters
Is it well with your soul can you sleep when your head hit the covers?
Is your heart at peace have you talked with the Lord?
He’s only a prayer away talk to Him whatever the hour
Written by: Carla L. Ibanzo
That's it folks. Thanks for reading. I welcome your feedback and comments. Cheers!
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