WRD | For inclusion in the ranks
Upemba National Park (UNP)
a Rising Forgotten Park | la Renaissance d'un Parc Oublié.
On this World Rangers Day, we would like to wish for inclusion. This is also a wish expressed by Christelle Misenga Ngalula, Ranger at the Upemba National Park (UNP) since 2021. In the following exhortation we will discover Miss Christelle and her passion for conservation:?
"My name is Christelle, born in Lubumbashi on September 3, 1999, in the district of Katumba II. I have been serving as a Ranger at the UNP since 2021, when I was a finalist in a recruitment competition. The competition took three months of testing physical fitness and other abilities necessary for field work. I was not too sure what to expect, but still I was able to finish first among 36 other participants, and I accepted the job.
Still young, I was always attracted by military themed objects and a bit of what I perceived to be military. It motivated me to get involved in sports activities, and I think that was my indirect preparation. My passion for the military aspect finally met a noble cause, that of the protection of nature and its biodiversity. That's why I love my work. I am enjoying this path.
It's not such an easy job, but its importance pushes me forward, and the team spirit also reassures me when things don't go well. Our Director and Site Manager always reminds us that ‘we work together and together we can overcome all the challenges we face.’
For me, beyond the fight against the destruction of nature, conservation is about people. Science is useful for determining what we need to protect and directing our actions on the ground, but what is more important is to create a society in which humans are aware of the value of nature and willingly want to conserve it. This is the holy grail of nature conservation, and my reason for working. I would like to encourage other girls to join our ranks because it is a noble mission that values nature and assigns that value to the person or people who protect nature."
According to experts, conservation still suffers from a low representation of women in the ranks of rangers. The Upemba National Park (UNP) is also affected by this global challenge with only 5 women and 224 men in its workforce. Efforts to address this challenge are linked to ongoing internal restructuring, an exercise that will lead to inclusion and better working conditions at the UNP capable of attracting more women like Miss Christelle Misenga Ngalula.